fixed the carb it needed a new float bowl needle and seat. finished the seat, made bracket painted it and put a pad on it. i drew out a template then cut it out of a black yoga mat... hated shopping around for a yoga mat.. a black one was hard for me to find. right side cover came. painted those. made better more secure brackets for ignition button onoff switch and killswitch under the tank attached to bolts off the frame. so its keyless but i dont think youd find the switch unless youre looking hard, but still nice enough for me to get to easy.
still need to add black stripe on top of the tank, bleed the brakes again, change oil, get carbs nice and sync ( wanted to fix the leak so thats why thats taking so long to get to) and thats it really... need to eventually get new brake pads, new battery, and a couple small things ..
most importantly, ive been driving all week, rain or shine love riding it, rides great. smooth and i feel like i can throw it into any corner and it just goesss and then just cruising and it goesss and everything its just fun.