sure we've got a few problems...who doesn't?
got a bad president? elect a new one in a couple of years. we have that luxury
spending too much on gas? ride your motorcycle, or buy a smaller car
big corporations (the man, whitey, etc...) getting you down? ( I myself struggle a lot with this one) think of it this way: without big corporations we wouldn't have 99% of the modern luxuries we enjoy every single day. from the computer you are on now, to your beloved honda, your coffee pot, refrigerator, etc... now, I'm not at all a big corporation kind of guy, BUT big business has helped our society become what it is today(thats both good and bad, in my opinion). sadly our society has changed from "do what you are good at/passionate about" to "figure out how much money you need to be comfortable and find a job to support that lifestyle". but theres not much we can do to change that, we as a a society are greedy, and that is a byproduct of our greed.
I get fed up with our society a lot. but at the same time, I love it so much. America is just America, and I'm damn proud to call it home.
if you've never been to another country, do it, and I guarantee that you will appreciate your home when you get back