Hey Thanks!!!...I'll check that out...I have no idea on the chain mileage...The bike sat since 1985 till recently...It's got 25,000 miles total on it...Judging by the the way the rest of the bike runs, I'd say the guy previous owner was pretty meticulous...and he stored it all dry. I suppose I should invest in a new chain pretty soon.
Old is OK if it didn't get rusty. But worn out is something else. Do the test and you'll know.
Another part of the test would be to spin the wheel slowly and if the chain gets tight in some places and loose in others it is worn.
At 25,000 miles you're on the bubble for new sprockets also. The combo of worn sprockets AND chain will make for a noisy situation. At 25,000 miles it could be on its 3rd or 4th chain. Many people don't change sprockets at each chain replacement, some never replace them.
Many suggest that you do. I'm in the camp that sprockets should be changed at ever 2nd or 3rd chain, compromising the ideal with the financially practicable.
Didn't ask what bike, we'd like to know. But the comments are universal so far.