My apologies, I really should have elaborated on what I posted.
I am not a store owner, but I have been a loyal customer at several different shops. One of the shops I go to strictly because he does excellent work, but I don't hang out and talk much, just in and out. They shopkeeper there lets his customers walk all over him, whining and moaning and all that and he just sits there like a lump pretending to comisserate. If someone has a problem, whether or not it was his fault, they come to him demanding that he fix it right this time and this just makes my skin crawl. People treat him as an inferior, not me mind you because I see his true value for the work he does for me, and he just lets them do it. The sign in my previous post is almost verbatim of a sign in one of my favourite shops here, there is a bunch of guys there at any given time horsing and joking around, having a good ol' time. We all realise what the sign is actually doing, it is breaking the ice and letting us have some fun as well as getting the work done. It is a very good atmosphere to shop in. None of us take the sign as a literal threat, just as a coarse reminderthat we are coarse people and it lets us relax and enjoy the company. Several years ago, a new customer came in and took umbrage with the sign and complained to the owner, who took him aside and explained the concept behind the sign. Well, it worked so well, that customer is now a co-owner and happier than he has ever been.
Sometimes, oblique or dark humor can be utilised in ways that bring people closer together and everyone can relax and enjoy themselves.