Author Topic: Greetings from Fort Lewis  (Read 507 times)

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Offline Deimos

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Greetings from Fort Lewis
« on: December 31, 2011, 12:11:25 AM »
Hello one and all.  I'm just getting my feet wet in the world of old Honda's.  My first motorcycle was a 2010 Harley Sportster 883 Iron.  I kinda regret the decision buying one new but I still love my little harley scoot thanks to some work I've done to it.  Here's a picture

IT's all bolt on work accept for the rear fender/frame which was trimmed down accordingly.

I've been slowly getting more and more into the idea of owning a Cafe bike, and  have decided a CB550 seems to be where my heart sits on the subject.  I'm watchin two bikes around here and came here to get all the help and tips I can manage to get this project off the ground and rolling as soon as possible.  I'm military and live in the barracks so I lack a proper work shop, but no where in the rules does it say I can't bring one into my room ;).
2010 Harley Davidson 883 Iron (Bobbed)

Offline Jules083

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Re: Greetings from Fort Lewis
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 05:29:36 AM »
Hey, I'm new here too but welcome I guess.  ;D

I got out of the Army in 2007, I almost re-enlisted to go to Lewis. Everyone I talked to loved that place except for the rain, and I like riding in the rain so it seemed like a good match-up for me.

For a workshop when I was in I rented a storage shed. A few of us went together on it, we found a 10'X25' for around $125 a month IIRC. I had my tools in the back, indoor bike parking up front. Buy a power inverter for your truck and you are able to power a drop light and some small stuff. It sucks working on bike while in the Army, but you can manage. A friend rebuilt a Chevy 350 in his barracks room, I thought that was funny. He bought a huge stand up closet thing and could wheel the motor inside when he wasn't there in case we had an inspection.

I like that Iron. I demo rode one last summer at a rally, it was a fun bike. The rear suspension was about worthless IMO, but I was on my Road King all week so I got spoiled a bit.

Offline Deimos

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Re: Greetings from Fort Lewis
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2012, 03:56:14 PM »
Thanks for the tips.  I plan on doing something to that effect here as well.  A Honda CB motor is a bit smaller so I think I could get away with it in my barracks if need be.  And as for the Harley's suspension, it was ok, but I went with struts so it's even harder still, but I find it comfortable enough still a fun ride, just can't push it into corners at all, it drags the lower exhaust pipe when I do.
2010 Harley Davidson 883 Iron (Bobbed)