I have a friend Karen that has lived a full hard life and has always had dreams of travel...and never had the chance. She is one of those inspiring people that always push you to live your dreams, and to dream big. She would tell me "Life is all about the rockingchair" - meaning to live to the fullest with no regrets..then pass on your stories to others.
We were together the other night and she seemed depressed. She mentioned to me about living "vicariously" through others. She told me that if I ever go to Europe that she wants me to bring somthing that she has given me and "throw it into a fountain, just so a part of me gets there". Then mentioned a couple landmarks. I just need to get her spark going, and give a magical, amazing suprise for her.
THE PLANMy idea, my wish is to get some pics of various places. Maybe with just a sign that says "Hello Karen Kallio", or "Hello Karen from ______" (place).
I will forward the pics to her as they come, or maybe even get her to come check out the thread.
I am willing to pay for pics to get this going for her. Thanks.....and I hope this works!!
Here are some of the photos so far...please keep them coming! woo hoo