Hi guys, well instead of putting up a lot of different posts , I'll put this up as/when i come across problems.
I hope you will bear with me as it's quite a long post.
I bought this bike,

thunderdome at 2009-05-07
BIKE 1 however the engine did not match the frame number.(we need both when registering vehicles).
The guy i bought it from, did however manage to get it through roadworthy and thus into my name. so, she is licensed.
The guy who sold it two me rode it daily for around six years.
In South Africa the engine is known as the Bushman, because it can run forever
It doesn't smoke and goes cleanly although she feels very "loose" is probably the best word.(worn)
I met the mechanic who put her together(engine)out of spares he had.
He then said he still has the original engine for it, which he replaced with the current one because it (original)was smoking.
I expressed interest and he offered to sell me these two.
BIKE 2 (the original engine for BIKE 1)
BIKE 3 (a model who's license back payment makes getting her on the road complicated affair.)

thunderdome, shot with
E71 at 2010-02-24
Since i am having alot of fun on BIKE 1(which i am hoping to get original) i thought i would take the engine from BIKE 2
(the engine on my papers/and the one that smokes)
and redo her top end with new cam-chain /gaskets/poss rings/cam guides. (thanks to the forum

, i kinda knew where and what needed to be done.)
I thought i would take the unbroken cylinders, pistons and head (BIKE 2 has broken fins)from BIKE 3 and stick em on BIKE 2.
Before removing the engine from BIKE 2 i got her started and she sounded very nice(except for the cam-chain),and she smoked.
In my shed i took the head off BIKE 2. The Head was barely torqued down, just short of finger tight???
The Cam chain was tight on the cam sprocket(did a lift test) but the cam guides were totally shot(worn into the bulk of the guide roller).
The cam looked good (no burrs or running grooves, just one or two tiny pits, although not on the running surface.) and the cylinders were smooth with no ridges.
The Pistons had quite a bit of Carbon on them.
I measured the pistons and the first letdown.

They seemed oval. I took measurements with a digital vernier and the wear seemed pretty constant across all pistons.

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24
I don't have a bore gauge, so i measured the cylinders with the vernier as best i could.They were also slightly outta spec and oval.
(unfortunately i hadn't taken a lot of pics up to this point,cellphone only, but after thing went pear shaped i got a digital camera for posting.)
Cool,i thought, lets look at BIKE 3's engine,which from outside appearances looks much better, and i suspect had engine work done on it quite recently.
I took the cam cover off (The cam chain BTW could be pulled slightly off the sprocket) and the cam restraining bolts and i found this.

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24
They appear not to have any wear on them, they are not smooth like BIKE 2's, rather they have a slightly Matt appearance.(new?)
The cam seems in fantastic condition.

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24
There was this however

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24
A sludge in all the nooks and cranny's, almost like grease.Old Oil?
The i took the head off, and my evening went to hell.

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24

thunderdome, shot with
FinePix Z100fd at 2010-02-24
Rust everywhere especially around cylinder 4?
When i aligned the cam for removal(it says so in the manual) i detected a slight resistance which i took to be compression.

,probably breaking the rust seize.
The head also seemed not torqued down particularly hard.
As you can see it appears the rings at some point rusted to the cylinder and although i can feel the rust, i could scrape it off with my fingernail.
Underneath felt smooth.
The base does not want to come off , so I've sprayed everything with penetrating oil in the hopes it will come right tomorrow.
If the pistons and bores are within spec do you think i can get away with a hone and rings?
I really cannot face a re-bore and new pistons, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, that's why i walked away (before i broke something) and posted this.
Anybody got hopeful news?
Once again any and all advice is welcome, basically i wanna know how you guys would proceed.
BTW ,the engine in BIKE 1 is running , but it is made up of second hand parts/fins are broken , and it feels worn,So if i could avoid opening it i would like to.
(and i still get to ride

I really wanted to do this engine up nicely(got a guy waiting to respray etc), then put it on the bike with her new cloths(resprayed tank, side-covers etc)
Thanks for listening