Drilled and tapped both caliper arms today to add grease nipples. Also flattened off the rear of the pivot arms where the grease nipples were added to make for a closer fit. The nipples extend through the caliper arm body by about a millimetre so had to add a wee washer so that they dont rub on the pivot pin.
Also helicoiled the caliper arm mounting bolt holes on one of the forktubes ... near disaster with one hole. The helicoil didnt see to go in right and the bolt was stiff to turn .... = sheared bolt. Managed to drill it and the helicoil out cleanly , retapped and rehelicoiled (phew)
Santa bought me an hour in a gyrocopter from
http://www.chrisjonesgyroplanes.com/ instead of gettin me a powdercoating or chroming voucher. I cant complain tooooooooooooo much but if he thinks I'm giving him a hand in a reindeer free present run round the chimneys next year he's got another thing comin. Powdercoatin on hold till a few bills are paid