I just don't understand why the statements keep flying around about no one being able to run pods on a SOHC 4. Engineering development didn't end in the mid 70s when these bikes were developed, but rather kept improving. Likewise, I'm sure there are decent pods available that have the necessary bits to perform as desired by us riders. I'm sure there are also other pods that will always make a SOHC4 run like crap. Plus, seeing how many people ditch the stock airbox and go to pods or velocity stacks on the race track, I just have to believe that there are decent pods out there.
So, to the OP's original question: Yes, I am sure cash has an impact on the quality of the pods. However, if you find a set of pods that has internals like a velocity stack, then I imagine you are most of the way there. Then, learn how to tune your carbs to get the performance you want. It is definitely possible. You might see an impact on operability if you like to wave your knees about a lot while riding at high speeds, but most of us don't flap our knees around in the wind while we are zipping down the interstate. I tried flying a kite once, but that is a different story.