Author Topic: Pods? Are expensive better??  (Read 5842 times)

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Offline andrewk

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Re: Pods? Are expensive better??
« Reply #50 on: January 19, 2012, 05:22:34 AM »
A friend of mine has a saying, "be not half-assed."  I think there's a lot of truth to that-  take care in the work you do, and you won't have to redo it.  I would rather take my time and charge the customer a flat rate fee than rush through things.  There is nothing worse than kicking your own ass. :P

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Re: Pods? Are expensive better??
« Reply #51 on: January 19, 2012, 06:21:57 AM »
The phrase "Cutting your nose off to spite your face" comes to mind, as well as "Self-fulfilling prophecy". ::)

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Re: Pods? Are expensive better??
« Reply #52 on: January 19, 2012, 11:06:58 AM »
"Can I ask what will the bike run like with the jets off tune?? Does the exhaust play a part? I'm planning on getting a 4-2-1 any thoughts on these ?? Also back to what I was saying... How does the bike run if pods are bad? ? Or not right? How do you know how to adjust higher or lower on jets and main?? Not looking for in depth time taking in this answer unless you have time.. but what will the results be?? Will rain effect the pods? If they get wet? Thanks."

Well, it runs like crap. 
You get a wicked stumble off idle and missing/hesitation at midthrottle , overly rich mixture at idle and lean mixture at full throttle with a mishmash in between on needle metering.
Yes the exhaust plays a part. For exhaust changes only, rejetting is usually just taking the main up a step, but can mean a needle height change too.
Do all the mods you want and rejet: you don't want to do it over and over as you add an exhaust, big-bore kit, hot cam, etc...
You adjust with plug chops or use a brake dyno with an exhaust gas oxygen analyzer. With an EGA you have to keep the idle mixture pretty rich - with no accelerator pump the engine will die when given throttle off idle, the idle mix is set rich to reduce this effect. With chops, there are instructions in this forum somewhere. Find out how the carb circuits overlap... you get the main jet right then proceed to the needle height and pilot jet. Usually pods require a pilot jet one size smaller than stock and probably a main jet one or two steps larger. The needle is the difficult adjustment since the stock taper just doesn't work: I reshape the needles using metal polish in a drill. This requires a lot of plug chops, if you're downtown in a big city this will be a problem since you need a longish deserted road without police interference to do a good plug chop. Also, of course, you will be removing and reinstalling the carb stack many many many times. You will need an assortment of main jets.
Seriously, tuning for pods so they work is a major hassle. I have tried with a 550 and never got it really right: maybe changing the slide cutout is required but I have never done that. I have set up a 400 with pods, exhaust, plus overbore and cam and a few 750s with pods and exhaust ... with good success. I can't say if they would be better or worse with the stock airbox. The 750s were choppers with no chance of an airbox, the 400 is mine and I just liked pods (and didn't know better I suppose).
Personally I haven't had problems with rain on the 400. Very rarely at highway speed in a strong crosswind there is some weird surging but opening my legs clears that up. If I had the time and inclination I would try some airbox ideas I've been thinking about but... right now I have neither. The bike is working really well as is and I don't much enjoy pulling and replacing the carb stack.

Offline TwoTired

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Re: Pods? Are expensive better??
« Reply #53 on: January 19, 2012, 12:38:06 PM »

I've got nowhere near the years of experience that Hondaman has, but I am a professional.  I very rarely have to take carbs back off after I service them, but that's only because I am prudent in testing them.

That's the main thing I don't understand about the idea of replacing the stock air box with pod filters to make it easier to remove and replace the carbs.  If you do the job right, you won't have to pull the carbs again for a long time, but if you install pods you'll be pulling and replacing the carbs every weekend until you finally, if ever, get it running acceptably again.  If you don't like pulling and replacing the carbs, the last thing I think you'd want to do is switch to pods.

Very well put.
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Offline seanbarney41

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Re: Pods? Are expensive better??
« Reply #54 on: January 19, 2012, 01:35:19 PM »
hey 750 guys, you don't have to pull your carbs to change jets!...that's why the handy wire clip thingy holds the float bowl on...just sayin' ;)
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Re: Pods? Are expensive better??
« Reply #55 on: January 19, 2012, 11:42:25 PM »
tell you what go ahead and put some pods on your bike and don't change the jetting like you are talking after you do that and find you can't get the bike to run out  of the drive way come back here with pictures of the whole thing and don't forget to ruin your original air box so one of us can go out of our way to go and find you one then box it up and send it to you for a real good price for us that is
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Offline cameron

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Re: Pods? Are expensive better??
« Reply #56 on: January 20, 2012, 04:54:53 PM »
He is just saying you can change them on the bike I think... just by pulling the bowls.

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