Author Topic: 550 in a 500 - now no spark  (Read 6077 times)

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Offline TwoTired

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Re: 550 in a 500 - now no spark
« Reply #50 on: January 14, 2012, 11:31:13 AM »
Cleaned EVERY connection on the bike GOOOD.  No change.  They werent' very dirty or corroded at all actually.  Any other suggestions?

Are you still losing 2 Volts between battery and coil input?  If so, it's probably lost inside the switchgear.

FYI, some corrosion/oxidation is transparent, or simply appear as a color change of the metal.

Describe how you've cleaned the point contacts.  And, explain how the battery was tested good.
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Re: 550 in a 500 - now no spark
« Reply #51 on: January 14, 2012, 11:34:10 AM »
Its about 1 volt now but I am still losing voltage between the battery and points.  I cleaned the points with a point file and contact cleaner and cleaned all the connections with contact cleaner and dielectric grease.  I dont' know if the battery is good but it is putting out about 12-13V and gets a green light from the battery tender every night?

Offline phil71

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Re: 550 in a 500 - now no spark
« Reply #52 on: January 14, 2012, 01:21:06 PM »
Ok, I've been reading this thread and it's just insane that it's not solved. You say the battery will only turn the motor over for 5 seconds. That is a bad battery, end of story.
  You also write that if you manually run the points you get spark.. that's easy:
coils work like a battery that can charge up super fast, and then let it all out in one shot. If your battery is weak, it can charge the coils up slowly, and they still let it out all at once, but when you spin the engine, you need a robust battery for the coils to operate at the speed they're supposed to.
  Are you hoping someone here can tell you how to make your bike run with bad parts on it? You'll be here a long time.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 01:28:55 PM by phil71 »

Offline mtrdrms

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Re: 550 in a 500 - now no spark
« Reply #53 on: January 14, 2012, 02:18:32 PM »
Right.  I'm off to get a new battery.

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Re: 550 in a 500 - now no spark
« Reply #54 on: January 14, 2012, 03:20:11 PM »
New battery... yeaaaah  ;D :).... and all connections cleaned !!! It's been a very good day for this bike !.... Bet it fires up first try !
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline mtrdrms

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Re: 550 in a 500 - now no spark
« Reply #55 on: January 17, 2012, 05:59:24 PM »
Having a new battery was real nice but didn't do it.  It was the plugs.  Yeah.  I know.  I put new plugs in and it purrs like a kitten.  If the moderators don't heed my request to delete this whole thread then go ahead - blast away.   I can take it but remember I told the truth.  I could have created some exotic malfunction that was to blame and make myself into a hero for figuring it out but I didn't. 
That being said, thank you all for the help.  I've included a pic.  Not as nice as some but not as bad as others and the flash in my tight garage doesn't do it any favors.  Now off to the search function to figure out the jetting with this pipe and pod filters...

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Re: 550 in a 500 - now no spark
« Reply #56 on: January 17, 2012, 06:19:26 PM »
Hey that's great !... look at all the fab. wiring attention you gave your bike as a result  :) :)... will very much improve reliability down the road... there are lots of members here who need to do the same  ;)
Glad you have it running...  8)
If your sure it's a carb problem; it's ignition,
If your sure it's an ignition problem; it's carbs....

Offline MikeKato

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Re: 550 in a 500 - now no spark
« Reply #57 on: January 17, 2012, 06:20:38 PM »
No need to delete. Good thread for help troubleshooting. Glad you have it figured out now!

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Re: 550 in a 500 - now no spark
« Reply #58 on: January 17, 2012, 06:59:04 PM »
did you check the points cam sounds like it could be loose on the spindle and the springs on the points are keeping it from rotating when it should I would check that also but it sounds like you don't have the points set at the right gap how exactly did you set them I alway use an inductive timing light which has to be moved from the outside spark plug wire of the bike 1&4 to one of the inside wires 2&3 to set each set of points if you have no spark but they spark when you slap them together I would bet you have them too far apart 
you could also have them too close together but I am betting you have them too far part
if you look at them when it is turning over if it is easy to see them opening they are too far apart when they are right when you are turning it over it is barely able to be seen that they are opening
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