Author Topic: RE: US Congress to end cheap SOHC4s by shutting down Craigslist and other sites.  (Read 5150 times)

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Offline chewbacca5000

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I don't know about you, but I really, really like and all the great deals I can find there on just about anything including old hondas.  They have helped many of our members find their new CB.  I got 3 CB750s in my garage that I would be there if not for  If you want to keep this great site on the web write, email, or call your congressman and senator and kill this bill. has a petition on their site if you are strapped for time. Wikipedia has a direct link to contact your representatives as well.

Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA because these bills would censor the Internet and slow economic growth in the U.S.

Two bills before Congress, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, would censor the Web and impose harmful regulations on American business. Millions of Internet users and entrepreneurs already oppose SOPA and PIPA.

The Senate will begin voting on January 24th. Please let them know how you feel. Sign this petition urging Congress to vote NO on PIPA and SOPA before it is too late.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2012, 05:53:54 AM by chewbacca5000 »

Offline Van-van

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This is huge, actually. I love the freedom of the open road, but the freedom of expression on the internet, which is taken away by SOPA and PIPA, is even more important.

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Offline Sam Green Racing

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Wikipedia is shut down for 24 hours (black out) in protest and to draw attention to how it will be, ask me how I know. >:(

Sam. ;)

PS, this should be in the open forum. :-*
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Offline Bodi

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There are two sides to this story.
If you know any artists, authors, filmmakers, or musicians... you may hear the other side a bit.
The "freedom" of the internet has become a freedom to profit from other people's work.
The men and women being robbed are focusing their efforts to protect their property on Washington. We don't hear too much of their arguments in public.
Something should be done to change the current system that rewards piracy. I don't like the SOPA law but I absolutely support the intention of reducing piracy.

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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I don't see why we need any more laws concerning the internet and piracy, I am pretty much sure that the older DMCA goes a little too far as far as copyright policy is concerned.

We just need more enforcement of the laws currently on the books, not new ones.
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

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Offline eldar

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What is really evil about this is that there is no direct correlation between loss of profits and piracy. If a company actually loses money, it is more likely due to their inability to adapt to todays technology. It is no longer 1985. Many of these supporters have not actually suffered at all from piracy other than thinking that they should have made an even larger profit.

As Dukie says, enforce the current laws in place, they are more than enough.

Offline DavePhipps

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Just throwing my 2 cents in. I've pirated lots of stuff. Mainly as a try before I buy process. If I like it I buy it. If I don't it gets deleted.
There is even a case of software piracy helping a company out. There is a certain 3d software used in the gaming industry that costs thousands of dollars. Many a person wanting to learn this software pirated it to learn how to use it. They then went onto jobs in the game industry and the company purchased the software that the 3d artist use. In this case piracy equated to higher profits for the company producing it because it increased the demand for their product.
Movies and music are another matter. With Netfilx, Redbox, Pandora, and grooveshark, I can't see why anyone would pirate media but they do. Frankly there's less effort in getting entertainment legally.

Lastly SOPA takes things to the extreme. With SOPA there only has to be accusation. It makes me think of the Salem witch hunts.
Just to set everthing in perspective could be taken down because of links to the factory serice manuals, or even pictures in the Babe thread.
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Offline chewbacca5000

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1st I am not for stealing anything intellectual or otherwise.  What I have a problem is the broad sweeping power give to the large meida comapnies.  Big media aka hollywood wants total and compelte power and control over the media and our freedom.  They want to brings things back to 1994 preinternet.  Wikipedia is a bright shinning light that will go dim for all if big business gets its way.

No more good deals on craigslist either.  Say hello to retail 500% markup and good buy to good deals.  This stuff is anit consumer, anti competitive and anti freedom.  I am not for stealing, but I don't want my internet sensored in a China like fashion either.  If you are a lover of freedom write your represenative and tell them to say no to SOPA.  If you want to live in a dictatorship then do nothing you will get your wish.

Offline gecko672

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There will always be people who pirate things and steal. Go after the few but not at the cost of the many.
This quote says it all really...

Men fight for freedom, then they begin to accumulate laws to take it away from themselves.  ~Author Unknown
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Offline FuZZie

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What is really evil about this is that there is no direct correlation between loss of profits and piracy. If a company actually loses money, it is more likely due to their inability to adapt to todays technology. It is no longer 1985. Many of these supporters have not actually suffered at all from piracy other than thinking that they should have made an even larger profit.

As Dukie says, enforce the current laws in place, they are more than enough.

[incoming rant]
This is true but for me it's more about trying to shove a archaic business  plan down my throat. It would be much easier if they just woke up and jumped into today's marketplace and supplied said entertainment at a fair price point and on the medium I wish to consume it with.

There will always be people who pirate things and steal. Go after the few but not at the cost of the many.
This quote says it all really...

Men fight for freedom, then they begin to accumulate laws to take it away from themselves.  ~Author Unknown

yea just look at early history of Hollywood business you be surprised just how right you are. ;)

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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Meh, those with the deepest pockets seem to be the ones writing bills in congress and deciding court decisions these days. *sigh*

And the common Joe suffers for it.  :P
"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

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Offline mateo tomas

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Just to set everthing in perspective could be taken down because of links to the factory serice manuals, or even pictures in the Babe thread.

noooooo.... not the babe thread.

*calls congressman

Offline the technological J

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 the movies i may or may not pirate are ones i def wouldnt spend money on but i fig since its there ill check it out... if they manage to actually stop it they arent getting my money anyway so they technically arent losing anything by me watching these films.... before long we are gonna get pushed to give the banks all our money because keeping it might move into their profit
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Offline Hush

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Hey Mateo Tomas you pirated Scunny's avatar! ;D
I think the thing I most like about motorcycling is the speed at which my brain must process information at to avoid the numb skulls who are eating pies, playing the ukulele, applying make-up etc in the comfort of their airconditioned armchairs as they make random attempts to kill me!!!!!!!

Offline Duke McDukiedook

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"Well, Mr. Carpetbagger. We got somethin' in this territory called the Missouri boat ride."   Josey Wales

"It's Baltimore, gentlemen. The gods will not save you." Ervin Burrell

CB750 K3 crat | (2) 1986 VFR750F

Offline verslagen1

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How would this affect Craigslist?

And if it did, why couldn't this be applied to all media?
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Offline Rgconner

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How would this affect Craigslist?

And if it did, why couldn't this be applied to all media?

It is pretty insidious.

If a copyright holder complains about a post, it must be taken down. There is no appeal, no recourse, just the word of the copyright holder.

There is no backlash to it for the holder, but if craigslist does not comply, the holder can have the domain shut off. Again no recourse.

Kinda like giving monkeys grenades to fling, instead of poo.
1975 CB550K aka "Grease Monkey"

Offline Bob Wessner

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We'll all be someone else's PO some day.

Offline brooze72

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Pardon my ignorance, I admit I don't fully understand copyright infringement possibility & site shut down proposed for CL for example.  Would a private individual posting an item for sale & identifying the manufacturer in the ad result in a copyright violation?  If this becomes a US law, how does it apply to companies & servers in other countries?  Will US law trump all others or will they restrict internet access in the US ( as another mentioned, like China?) & block offending international sites?  It seems this would be virtually ;) unenforcable & being aware of US ingenuity, it wouldn't take very long for someone to figure out another way to get around this law.  Intellectual property & copyright protection is not a bad thing, but there must be a better way?

PS Mateo Tomas, I guess you gotta take down your avatar or send Scunny money! (bet he likes the sound of that)
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Offline brooze72

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Oops, guess I shoulda read Bob's link before spouting off, seems DOA?
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Offline chewbacca5000

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Oops, guess I shoulda read Bob's link before spouting off, seems DOA?

We need to keep the pressure on 2 senators changing their mind is not enough.  Their is 98 or so other we don't know how they will vote.  This bill gives the SONYs of the world total control and the rest of us would have no recourse.    This is right from craigslist
Corporate supporters of Senate 968 (PIPA) and HR 3261 (SOPA) demand the ability to take down any web site (including craigslist, Wikipedia, or Google) that hurts their profits -- without prior judicial oversight or due process  -- in the name of combating "online piracy."

It is cart blanch to eliminate the competition.  I never wrote a senator or congressman in my life, but I wrote all 3 of my representatives today and I would encourage all of you to do the same

Offline chewbacca5000

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Want to  see where your representative stands go to

So far 70 supports including my senator Chuck Shummer and 64 against the bill.

Offline FuZZie

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I want to quote this bit from Bob Wessner times link:

“The problem for the content industry is they just don’t know how to mobilize people,” said John P. Feehery, a former Republican leadership aide and executive at the motion picture lobby. “They have a small group of content makers, a few unions, whereas the Internet world, the social media world especially, has a tremendous reach. They can reach people in ways we never dreamed of before.

“This has been a real learning experience for the content world,” Mr. Feehery added.

 I'd like to add that the DNS blocking they are referring to is already done elsewhere, a few examples come to mind... but the "great fire wall of China" tops the list.

Offline Rgconner

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Oops, guess I shoulda read Bob's link before spouting off, seems DOA?

Remember, violations carry time in Federal Prison. Up to five years.

Want to use that black market Craigslist, or put your ad in the SOPA sanctioned newspaper for a small fee?

It is not DOA, it is just taking a dirt nap.

They will resurrect it soon enough. Lamar Smith says it will be right back in February:

Stop Online Piracy Act Markup to Resume in February

Washington, D.C. — House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today said that he expects the Committee to continue its markup of the Stop Online Piracy Act in February.

Chairman Smith: "To enact legislation that protects consumers, businesses and jobs from foreign thieves who steal America's intellectual property, we will continue to bring together industry representatives and Members to find ways to combat online piracy.

“Due to the Republican and Democratic retreats taking place over the next two weeks, markup of the Stop Online Piracy Act is expected to resume in February.

“I am committed to continuing to work with my colleagues in the House and Senate to send a bipartisan bill to the White House that saves American jobs and protects intellectual property."

1975 CB550K aka "Grease Monkey"

Offline FuZZie

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Oops, guess I shoulda read Bob's link before spouting off, seems DOA?

Remember, violations carry time in Federal Prison. Up to five years.

Want to use that black market Craigslist, or put your ad in the SOPA sanctioned newspaper for a small fee?

It is not DOA, it is just taking a dirt nap.

They will resurrect it soon enough. Lamar Smith says it will be right back in February:

Stop Online Piracy Act Markup to Resume in February

Washington, D.C. — House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today said that he expects the Committee to continue its markup of the Stop Online Piracy Act in February.

Chairman Smith: "To enact legislation that protects consumers, businesses and jobs from foreign thieves who steal America's intellectual property, we will continue to bring together industry representatives and Members to find ways to combat online piracy.

“Due to the Republican and Democratic retreats taking place over the next two weeks, markup of the Stop Online Piracy Act is expected to resume in February.

“I am committed to continuing to work with my colleagues in the House and Senate to send a bipartisan bill to the White House that saves American jobs and protects intellectual property."

Does this guy have any Internet experience at all Rgconner? With respect to the gentleman, the first thing that will happen is the rest of the world will use DNS servers that are not in US jurisdiction.