For the last week I have been chasing a drip that comes down the side stand (I think all 550's may come with that standard
) I sprayed foot powder on oil pan gasket and trail seemed to be coming from the second screw on the left side of oil pan--which is near the shifter shaft. Everything else was perfectly dry. So, I took off the left crankcase cover and of course it had a lot of chain grease in there and what appeared to be about 2 teaspoons full of oil (or could it have been liquefied chain lube?). At any rate I cleaned everything up so it sparkles and sprayed with foot powder. Put on shifter, left crankcase cover off and rode the thing all over and of course no drip. Rode it some more. No drip. Checked shifter shaft seal (visually) very closely as that tends to be culprit. Dry. Checked oil pump seals visually (those 2 tiny o ring areas) seemed dry.
My question is could it have been just the liquefied oil dripping from where it had pooled in the crankcase cover when it was on the kick stand? Am I missing something?
Oh, and since my last oil change no change in oil level (though 2 teaspoons may not be enough to register on dipstick).
Any help you can give would be appreciated.