for cleaning the slow speed jets, I used a wire thats used in the auto industry a lot for wiring tags to parts, perhaps for warranty returns and such at dealers. I dont know its thickness, except that it was thin enough to fit all the way thru the slow speed jet without too much difficulty, I dont believe i opened that jet up too bad the way i cleaned it.
Im not even sure how I would measure any damage done via incorrectly cleaning? its such a small diameter and with the air holes,, how would you even go about trying to measure this?
This morning I let the bike run in idle for a while, and it ran so rich my eyes were burning. Eventually it would just die, but it always easily restarts.
Well, later today I decided to remove the carbs again. Im glad i left off the air plenum/filter assy. It took only a few minuts to get the carbs on my box again. anyway.. Now that you mention it, I did not inspect the emulsion tubes under the main jets. one of them accidentally fell out, that one i checked, but tomorrow i will check the other 3.
well, as my screen name suggests, this second attempt didnt go without any upsets. I couldnt remove the float pin on carb 4, so i tried using a spring loaded center punch , not smart. it slipped off and forced its energy into the needle/seat/float tab area. I dont think theres any damage done other than messing up my float setting. Actually, I moronically didnt bother to check the float height on my initial carb cleaning. Nor did I bother to check the upper half of the carb- the air side. All I did was take off the float bowl because I was ASSuming to find some clogged jets. I also dont want to have to re sync the carbs so I didnt make any adjustments to any adjusting screws. I guess i was going on the idea that the bike was running great 3 years ago before my chain broke,, and now has been sitting forever.
So now the carbs are back off. Im trying to set the floats to 22 mm. Im using a small pocket ruler with the sliding clip to measure float height... how do you check float height again? Im no expert on carbs, and my clymer manual obviously is not dumbed down enough for me on their explanation of float setting. with the carbs in their normal upright position, do I raise the float until i feel the needle seat, but still not compress the needle spring?..because the way the book reads it says as soon as the float tang touches the spring loaded tip of the needle, thats where i stop and check/adjust. Im confused. If thats right,, my fload setting was no where near 22mm. I almost need a third arm to hold the carb bank upright, try to carefully lift up the float, and then adjust??
all the guys at work love the way this motor sounds, Ill love the way it rides if I can get these carbs going right!
thanks for your time and expertise I used the search feature for adjusting floats on 550,, I guess im the only moron with this specific question, i didnt see any answers.