Author Topic: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.  (Read 8010 times)

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Offline the technological J

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #50 on: January 30, 2012, 06:37:02 PM »
I think style of riding matters I could ride my KO all day with the stock bars on 50a to 60 mph roads. I prob couldn't do a 100 miles of tail of the dragon twisties and not be whooped or 300 miles on the high way on a windy day
70 KO...sold to fund the ST
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Offline 754

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #51 on: January 30, 2012, 08:39:41 PM »
 500 miles in a day on a CB 750 with struts is not really difficult..
 IZ dont run a widshield.
 I have ridden the last 3 winters without goggles or a faceshield, and never worn longjohns during that time.
 CB750 sohc are an easy bike to do 800 plus miles a day on..
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
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Offline eldar

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #52 on: January 31, 2012, 05:09:17 AM »
I bet a number of people here have done long days and do them repeatedly, on their CB.

Oh BTW X, an ECU for a yamaha fz6 is $350 for a new one.

Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #53 on: January 31, 2012, 07:17:38 AM »
OH , I forgot to mention the KZ was NOT stock, ( bored to 1100cc,cammed and 29mm smoothbores)  If you check the specs, this model KZ came STOCK with 96 HP , mine was closer to 110HP. I have a VF1100 (1982) thats does 0-60 in 2.5sec all day long and it came on the streets with 121HP with a 6 speed tranny.. Just because it's old DON'T mean it's slow. You probably don't know (ALSO) that HONDA built a M/C with a 10 speed tranny 5HI-5LO IT IS the CB900C and if you ever get a chance to ride one you better be hanging on..
TELL me this, WHY are MOST all old school drag bikes built up from a KZ900/KZ1000 ,The KZs were king of the track till the BUSA came along and there still some out there that come close to 10sec. 1/4. Educate yourself before you try to teach.


Here's some study material for you.[/url
All of these bikes are STOCK without any MODS!!!!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 07:44:18 AM by Xnavylfr »

Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #55 on: January 31, 2012, 09:02:02 AM »
The way you have them seperated at the bottom of your page , they each go to a different link when I click them. Here is their home page for specs and you can search for any bike built.


Offline eldar

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #56 on: January 31, 2012, 11:45:30 AM »
Funny, maybe you should have SAID it was modded. AS you did not, my statement still stands. As for the bike still doing 0-60 in 2 seconds, still can't believe it, not unless you got paper to back it. Seeing as how top fuel bikes use hundreds of HP to get their numbers, 110 running premium isn't going to do it. Even the V65 was not that quick in real life except with the VERY best rider. As for the cb900 CUSTOM, I know of that bike. it is different but obviously 10 speeds just didn't pan out.
I never said old was not fast though. However; in almost every situation, a cbr600 will own these bikes in performance terms. Just like an F-18 would own an F-4 or how an F-86 would own the ORIGINAL F4, yeah the Corsair. Technology marches on regardless of how much you want to think otherwise.
That doesn't mean these bikes are bad by any means, but you can't compare apples to oranges.

What confuses me though is how you degraded the cb for anything but going around the block, to your Star. So which is it, old bikes are better, or newer bikes?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 12:08:29 PM by eldar »

Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #57 on: January 31, 2012, 01:20:45 PM »
I have to say each bike is purpose built, in that I mean if you want FAST, you build it LOW and long so it will stay on the ground. A1/8 mile strip would be a CHALLENGE for a rookie rider on any CBR to wax a PRO on a HOT KZ, problem is the CBR is REAL hard to control on just the back wheel and by the time the rider can get it down and keep it down the OLD KZ has already broke the trap at 1/8 mile.
I think you need to check specs on the aircraft also. The F-4 was very fast in straight flight, Had 2 80,000 lb thrust engines with AB but it would take a couple of miles to make a complete circle, as for the Korean War ERA F-86 it could barely break MACH. The A-7 Corsair was VERY fast also but it was built for 1 primary mission to deliver bombs on target and then bug out as fast as possible to out fly the blast but it better be in a straight line. The F18 is great combat weapon but why didn't you mention the F-16,F-15, A-10,AV-8,JSF. These are ALL built for a certain purpose an F-18 will NEVER equal an A-10 for time on target an taking care of business . Oh I forgot to mention the AC130 GUNSHIP it was built to put LEAD(ARMOR PIERCING) up the enemies backside.
But this is about a new tech bike vs old school and comfort level the newer bikes are lighter for one reason WT/HP ratio. You take any M/C ie,CB750 load it to the top with gear for a cross country (CAMPING) ride and it is MORE comfortable on the hi way because of the weight you added , you just don't feel all the ripples and cuts in the road like riding empty and trust me ,when a truck passes the wind WILL push you , I would rather have something comfortable with enough torque to ride 2 up and loaded for HOURS than have something I have to take a LONG break at each fillup and then be able to enjoy myself when I arrived at my destination.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 01:52:53 PM by Xnavylfr »

Offline the technological J

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #58 on: January 31, 2012, 02:26:06 PM »
was the F4 a single over head cam or was that not until F16... which one has the longer wheel base?
70 KO...sold to fund the ST
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78 750K... (Omega)sold to fund the K4
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Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #59 on: January 31, 2012, 02:39:19 PM »
TELL me this, WHY are MOST all old school drag bikes built up from a KZ900/KZ1000 ,The KZs were king of the track till the BUSA came along and there still some out there that come close to 10sec. 1/4. Educate yourself before you try to teach.

Sorry Chuck but thats not right, the Kawasaki's had their fair share of competition from the Honda's {look up Russ Collins} until the mighty GS1100 came out, they were untouchable for close on 20 years and are still a very potent drag bike.... By the way, i have a 10 second Honda 750, it is only 776cc, running 31mm smoothbore CR's on methanol, 14.5 to 1 compression, {being converted for the street at present} My 80's model GSXR 1100 did 10's out of the crate, stock standard.....
750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
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Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #60 on: January 31, 2012, 04:37:46 PM »
RR, we just now have to convince eldar your 750 is a 10sec. bike. Yes I agree the CB750 was the reason KZs were built, because the 750 was king and nobody had anything to touch it till the KZ but yes the GS1100wins in this group. I surprised many a rider on my KZ, A bud and I were out riding once ,he was on a 1600cc STAR  I pulled up beside him at 80mph and just burped the throttle to get a race out of him, of course he thought a BORED KZ against a 1600 I didn't have a chance, in just a couple of seconds at WOT I was out of sight and he backed off at 105mph. Yes my KZ was extra fast , I knew it , alot of my friends knew it also and thats all that counted.

this whole post is about the NEW SOHC, well I just think it's ANOTHER plastic CROTCH ROCKET, be great for the twisties but not packed and stacked for a long road trip

« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 04:40:45 PM by Xnavylfr »

Offline Frankencake

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #61 on: January 31, 2012, 04:56:38 PM »
Look a bit closer Chuck.  That's no crotch rocket.  That there is a "get away from your wife on any kind of road you can find" bike.

Thanks Mick.  It was getting deep.
"Sure, if you don't want that bike in your backyard, I guess I'll take it."  "I'll probably just scrap it......"

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333:  Think "Shakeweight".

Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #62 on: January 31, 2012, 07:06:58 PM »
I'd like to see it PACKED and hit some of the DEEP sandhills in West Texas and NM. With those STREET tires you might get 20 feet before it sinks to the axle. I rode some CROSS COUNTRY races in the 60s before the advent of Motocross. It was 100 miles of 50/50 which meant 50 miles on surface roads (GRAVEL,PAVED,OIL FIELD ROADS) the other 50 miles was OFF ROAD. The track was prepped by a 4x4 and marked with flags within site of each other with a VERY rough course map to follow. This was all done by line of site no GPS so it was real easy to get stuck by trying to navigate a better route around a sand hill then loose site of the flag. Every 2 hours a 4x4 was sent out as rescue, so if you get lost you better find a way to signal so you can be found. Try spending 2 hours in WEST TEXAS sandhills in JULY with a quart of H2O, TEMPS about 110f in the shade but there no shade.

 I just can't see it being such an all purpose bike as mentioned.

Offline eldar

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #63 on: January 31, 2012, 07:29:44 PM »
I know retro has that bike, I knew it years ago. Sorry to tell you something yet again. Anyways, you seem to say one thing, then say something totally contradictory. I could go on, but you still won't get it or you twist it around. Think what you want, someone will echo your sentiments sometime right?

Offline Frankencake

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #64 on: January 31, 2012, 08:02:41 PM »
I'd like to see it PACKED and hit some of the DEEP sandhills in West Texas and NM. With those STREET tires you might get 20 feet before it sinks to the axle. I rode some CROSS COUNTRY races in the 60s before the advent of Motocross. It was 100 miles of 50/50 which meant 50 miles on surface roads (GRAVEL,PAVED,OIL FIELD ROADS) the other 50 miles was OFF ROAD. The track was prepped by a 4x4 and marked with flags within site of each other with a VERY rough course map to follow. This was all done by line of site no GPS so it was real easy to get stuck by trying to navigate a better route around a sand hill then loose site of the flag. Every 2 hours a 4x4 was sent out as rescue, so if you get lost you better find a way to signal so you can be found. Try spending 2 hours in WEST TEXAS sandhills in JULY with a quart of H2O, TEMPS about 110f in the shade but there no shade.

 I just can't see it being such an all purpose bike as mentioned.

Dude, do you read what you type?  You are talking smack about a purpose-built bike and in the same breath you are saying how you rode some sort of quasi-motocross bike in the 60's (which were certainly not built for that kind of thing) and bragging about how hot it was and how this bike can't do it.  I'm not saying anything about what the new Honda can or cannot do.  I have no doubt that you have led an interesting life but I challenge you to actually buy this bike and ride it rather than your couch-glide.  Reveling us of glories past while at the same time opining yourself as an expert on what a bike can and cannot do is bull#$%* no matter what way you cook it.  Of course, any knowledgeable rider would change out the stock tires to cross a mud pit or sand mine or anything other than the path to the Circle K.  I also declare that any rider can do what they put their mind to on what ever bike they choose.  Whether or not 700cc is "enough" is merely subjective.  Any bike, as you so experienced on your "cross-country" runs, is an all purpose bike.  Look what they rode EVERYWHERE during world war two.
"Sure, if you don't want that bike in your backyard, I guess I'll take it."  "I'll probably just scrap it......"

Frankencake:  Brotherhood of the unemployed?  What's our secret handshake?

333:  Think "Shakeweight".

Offline the technological J

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #65 on: January 31, 2012, 09:04:09 PM »
I think its gonna come down to preference... some people think a 350 is plentybof power and put them on this bike its gonna be more than enough power for them... but for touring its still gonna be preference
70 KO...sold to fund the ST
74 Kaw 250 Enduro
K4 added to collection!
78 750K... (Omega)sold to fund the K4
94 ST1100..Gone
72 750 K2 Stay tuned!

Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #66 on: February 01, 2012, 02:30:04 AM »
Thank You Tech J,
 If I'm going to ride a road trip it will be on the reclinerglide with pretty much everything I'll need for the trip. As for my off roading in the 60s ,it was on a CL160 with knobby tires, as purpose built as you could get in the DAY. As for WW2 bikes , the HD45 barely had enough guts to pull 1 rider but I do say it was purpose built, a messenger bike to take messages from the REMF out to the real HERO'S on the ground.
I guess I'll have to take the NC700 for a test ride down to BAJA and see how well it holds up!! Then with equallity I should ride my STAR on the same trip, chances are I'll have to fly back because I don't think either bike could make a round trip!
Now if I was riding MAYBE a URAL it would make the trip but it will beat you to death.
I do say to each his own, you ride what you like and feel comfortable on and I'll do the same.. AGREE TO DISAGREE!!!

Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #67 on: February 01, 2012, 03:48:07 AM »
RR, we just now have to convince eldar your 750 is a 10sec. bike. Yes I agree the CB750 was the reason KZs were built, because the 750 was king and nobody had anything to touch it till the KZ but yes the GS1100wins in this group. I surprised many a rider on my KZ, A bud and I were out riding once ,he was on a 1600cc STAR  I pulled up beside him at 80mph and just burped the throttle to get a race out of him, of course he thought a BORED KZ against a 1600 I didn't have a chance, in just a couple of seconds at WOT I was out of sight and he backed off at 105mph. Yes my KZ was extra fast , I knew it , alot of my friends knew it also and thats all that counted.

this whole post is about the NEW SOHC, well I just think it's ANOTHER plastic CROTCH ROCKET, be great for the twisties but not packed and stacked for a long road trip


Hi Chuck, its not really hard to work out that the bike was fast mate and i'm not here to convince anyone of anything, i won't list the engine mods here {its listed elsewhere} but if you saw that engine internally you would understand, there are pics of it on the site and in a box in the "parts cave" i have all its time slips, {i still have the Yoshi, RC and action 4's catalogs that came with it}one day i'll post the time slips on the site. A lot of those parts are going into my 1000cc billet block engine so she'll still surprise some much newer bikes {thats the plan anyway}... I used to surprise a few big Z's back in the day too mate and when it came to the twisties those old Kwaka's walked around the corners, the Honda handled much better.... ;D I do like the old K bikes but i am here on the Honda forum for a reason.... ;)
750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
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Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #68 on: February 01, 2012, 05:34:10 AM »
in your 750, did you use a 900 crank and jugs then bored up to where you wanted?
There is a company here in the USA called CycleX that builds what they call MONSTER motor. they start with the CB750 and end up with 915cc I'd love to have a SLEEPER like that and leave all the CB750 badges on it. Just think fo how many people you'd SURPRISE with that.


Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #69 on: February 01, 2012, 03:35:57 PM »
in your 750, did you use a 900 crank and jugs then bored up to where you wanted?
There is a company here in the USA called CycleX that builds what they call MONSTER motor. they start with the CB750 and end up with 915cc I'd love to have a SLEEPER like that and leave all the CB750 badges on it. Just think fo how many people you'd SURPRISE with that.


RC crank {stock modified} carillo rods, 1000cc forged pistons, stage 5 head, bigger valves, back cut gearbox, heavy duty primary and cam chains, Barnett clutch, {may use APE clutch} Billet aluminum block with Nikasil coated bore {no cast iron sleeves} 34mm Mikuni smoothbores but i want to fuel inject it eventually. There is a pile of other stuff but the aim is to build a modern version of the K2, old looks with some modern touches {suspension and brakes}, It should go ok..... ;D  I just bought a house s it won't happen in a hurry but it will happen.... ;)  There is a guy here that races the 750's with Boldor internals, his motors go out too 1200cc and 140+HP, now they go hard but are very expensive to build.... :o
750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
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Offline Xnavylfr

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #70 on: February 01, 2012, 05:18:21 PM »
WOW, That thing is a MONSTER!!!. It sounds a lot like our NASCAR vehicles. the only thing stock about it is the NAME. on HONDACHOPPER.COM 1 of the guys has built a 750 useing EFI with a TURBO, I'm not sure what EFI system he has installed but I'll check and see if I can get that info for you.


Offline Retro Rocket

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #71 on: February 01, 2012, 05:25:04 PM »
WOW, That thing is a MONSTER!!!. It sounds a lot like our NASCAR vehicles. the only thing stock about it is the NAME. on HONDACHOPPER.COM 1 of the guys has built a 750 useing EFI with a TURBO, I'm not sure what EFI system he has installed but I'll check and see if I can get that info for you.


Already done my homework mate. GSXR600 throttle bodies with a microsquirt control system, there's obviously a bit more to it but we have already hijacked this thread enough i think.... ;D ;)  Thanks for the offer though...
750 K2 1000cc
750 F1 970cc
750 Bitsa 900cc
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Offline 754

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #72 on: February 01, 2012, 09:30:35 PM »
 Xnavy, you want sleeperr..??
 Get a hold of a Kawi Z-2, or the badges, then bore it out to 1400cc... that oughta do it..
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

My next bike will be a ..ANFOB.....

It's All part of the ADVENTURE...

73 836cc.. Green, had it for 3 decades!!
Lost quite a few CB 750's along the way

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #73 on: February 03, 2012, 08:30:43 AM »
That bike looks awful. Of course I did not grow up
playing with transformer toys.

That is what it is, a transformer toy. You fall down on that
 thing and you will need $2000.,or more in new plastic parts.

I don't like that term "naked bike" its disgusting,
like a motorcycle needs all that plastic crap all over it?

That Yamaha MT-01 is at least still a motorcycle
and not a transformer toy or samsonite transformer.

BTW...Why is this thread so W.....I.....D.....E ???????
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 08:37:45 AM by lucky »

Offline SOHC4ever

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Re: A brand new SOHC in the Honda line.
« Reply #74 on: February 03, 2012, 01:06:38 PM »
That bike is BUTT UGLY. It'll probably run like a top for many years, but would you seriously be caught riding that thing?