The bike looks great! That exhaust really makes it too. I am kicking myself right now for not using mine!
Thanks Cheffish
Hello all got some time today to work on the bike and was wondering if anyone can identify these two parts. Was cleaning my workbench and found them under a rag.. For the life of me I have no idea what the washer or the spring went too. It is possiable that when the wife was working on her 550 she left them there will ask her when she gets home but if anyone knows would appreciate it..
I think that is a valve spring if you have not found out yet
Thanks for the reply turnerpa
Just a little update working on finish the seat up.. There was a Joann fabric shop by my house that was closing up bought some upholstery 3 yards of it for 14 bucks pretty good deal have enough to make 10 seats or so lol...
The spraymax 2k paint came in the other day. Will see how that goes on and looks .I am curious from what other people have said about it. Should get the paint on this weekend..
Having a hell of a time getting my throttle cable and clutch cable set up right. They are stock cables but with dragbars. I read on the forums that stock cables can be done with dragbars but I am not having any luck. I think I am routing them wrong will keep on trying.
Need to figure out a licence plate mount I really didn't want to do it on the side by the tire but it probally wont work up top on the frame under the tail light will add that to the list to get done.
Still need to take the steering stem off and figure out whats wrong with that.
Other than that just a few little things to fix and take it down to the dmv to get inspected.