Author Topic: 6-terminal solenoid wiring on DOHC CB750  (Read 2247 times)

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Offline ianlawton

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6-terminal solenoid wiring on DOHC CB750
« on: January 25, 2012, 12:26:38 PM »
Hi, have got a US model 1980 CB750C, bought it with an afermarket starter solenoid with only 4 terminals (two HT, two LT) and no main fuse (which wasn't wired up anyway). Have obtained the correct solenoid (see pic attached) but the supplier says they have no instructions about how to wire it up.

I know that the two HT terminals are marked B (Battery) and M (starter Motor), and I have the wiring diagram for the bike showing 4 low tension wires connecting to the solenoid (yellow/red from starter button, green/red from clutch switch, red/white from regulator/rectifier and red from ignition switch), but I don't know which low tension terminals they should connect to on the replacement solenoid itself because there are no markings on them. The only thing I have spotted is that two of the LT terminals on the replacement solenoid are narrower than the other two, not sure if this is a subtle clue? (Although on the all black wires supplied with it, all four have the same large size spade.)

Have looked all over the net and can find no sensible help at all, so anything you can do would be really appreciated! Many thanks, Ian