Godzilla has put his feet up after a day ride around the Gold Coast hinterland.
I met the local 750Four Club folks at Stapylton for a coffee & Dave was waiting for us at Mudgeeraba.

Dave conducted the hand over at the top of Springbrook, it's about as high up as you can get down there.

We all headed back down the mountain & found a nice lil cafe for a break where the lizard tried real hard to share my late breakfast with Dave opposite.

Some of the bikes parked outside the cafe.

Hinze Dam on the way home.

The lizard will be going with me to the next meeting of the 750Four club to meet RetroRocket Mick on April Fool's Day, then off to a country swap meet on the 15th.
The weekend after, all being well, I'll be taking GZ up to meet Trueblue in
Rocky oops Maryborough. I'm going to ask if any riders from the club want to join the ride.