Saturday 21 April: Strapped GZ onto the instruments & headed off to Marybourough to hand off to Trueblue.
I took the long way around to get up there, the highway would've been too boring.
First stop was at Australia Zoo. Unfortunately Steve 'Crikey' Irwin is no longer with us, so we didn't go in. Mick might find a real croc for the lizard in Darwin.
As you can tell by the sky in the photos, it was a perfect day for riding.

Just up the road a bit is the Ettamogha Pub, purpously built skewiff, with an old truck on the roof. It's a fairly famous tourist attraction. It was too early in the day for a beer though.

From there, up the highway a bit & turned off to Cooroy, Pomona, Kin Kin & Tin Can Bay before heading into Marybourough to meet Trueblue for the hand off. There were heaps of great scenery on the way, but nowhere really safe to pull up for the best shots. This is one I was able to grab though. So green after recent rain.

Andrew & Hannah were kind enough to put me up for the night & feed me as well. That's what's great about this relay, meeting like minded people & treating em like family. We went for a ride after GZ got onto Trublue's 650 & I met Andrew's cousin Les on the way. He has a Goldwing in his shed. We shared a cuppa & a few yarns.
The official hand off.

I headed down to Hervey Bay after leaving GZ in the care of Andrew & Hannah, had breakfast at a fine lil cafe & headed back home feeling on top of the world. Thanks for organising the Relay, it was great to be part of it.
Just as I was riding into Hervey Bay I caught a glimpse of what I was sure was a CB turning into a service station. I did a u turn & pulled up beside it at the pump. Sure nuff, was a 550 with Joe & Jill on board going on a club run with the local vintage bike club. I sure was tempted to join the ride, but had to consider getting home on time. I've given them the address for this forum, I hope they get to see their picture.

If I've learnt anything from the trip, it's to put some lighter oil in the front forks. In the main it's okay, but when you hit a reasonable bump at speed, it's like having someone on the back & they whack you between the shoulder blades with their fist. I think I might wake up a bit sore, but not sorry.
In all I travelled 1,293 Kms, 858 Kms with GZ in my care, so I guess I'm in the 500 mile club.

It's true........ You do meet the nicest people on a Honda.
Happy Trails Godzilla.