This morning GZ and I got up and went for a run into town to watch the ANZAC day march, I found a spot near the start where we could sit on the bike and watch, we sat there and watched as the diggers and their family marched past, once the march was over we pointed our nose towards Bundaberg, our initial intentions were to head up to the Bundy rum distilary but GZ had other ideas. He had heard of this great riding road out to Paradise Dam, and wanted to check it out, seeing as it headed west off the highway halfway to Bundy we decided to go that way. The road out there is one of the best riding roads in this area, it is only a few years old so it is still fairly smooth, and the corners are what wet dreams are made of, the only downside is there are very few spots to pull over for a photo as the road is also fairly narrow, but the views are fantastic.

We were just getting ready to leave Paradise Dam and I got chatting to a nice older couple, (to be honest they were only mid-fifties) Lance and Robin, we got chatting about early Hondas, Lance bought a K2 new, but sold it a few years back, I was invited to have a cuppa with them at their caravan, they were a lovely couple, brings back the old adage, you meet the nicest people on a Honda. When we finally left Paradise we headed home Via Biggenden and pulled up at Brooweena, an old logging camp/township, for a rest on the way home, the back roads around here are a little rough.

Just after we pulled away from Brooweena GZ decided it was snack time, and tried to eat a finch, the poor bird came out of the long grass on the side of the road and flew straight into GZ's mouth, there was a feather left in his mouth after his encounter but as I was slowing down to get a photo GZ spat it out. Obviously didn't want any evidence that he had been eating the local wildlife.