Author Topic: Godzilla Begins his prowl of OZ & has his sights set on Europe as we speak!  (Read 61189 times)

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Offline mick7504

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« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 08:58:17 AM by mick7504 »
If I was you
I'd be worried about me.

Offline mick7504

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Godzilla has hit the Top End.  8)
I'll post some pics tonight after work.
If I was you
I'd be worried about me.

Offline cben750f0

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thsnk god for that, she told me it would take a couple of days!!! i appoligise for that... >:(

glad the lil terror is there though.

looking forward to some pics

you are never to old, to act like a kid... be safe
funny thing,chasing someone down hill on a bike 30 years older than theirs..
he said \\\\\\\'it was like watching a 250kg unguided weapon getting stuck up you bum\\\\\\\

Offline mick7504

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Well, after a bit of a wait, our little buddy rocked up this morning all rarin' for some more action.

Here he is with me just checkin' out the joint.

Then he decided that he'd like to have a bit of a look around the bush up in a Livistonia palm.

After that, it was time to find some new buddies to play with.

GZ said that he wanted to rough it a bit like a bushman, so here's his tent to camp in with my daughter Hannah.

After all of that, he decided that it was time for some tucker, so he climbed up the Paw Paw tree to get a feed.

Then the little bugga dissapeared and I found him hiding under a bush getting ready for a bit of a night cap.  8)

Ready to hit the town and impress the women.  ;D

« Last Edit: June 05, 2012, 04:28:29 AM by mick7504 »
If I was you
I'd be worried about me.

Offline petercb750

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 ;D Good stuff Mick......finally you get to meet the little lizard. Have fun.
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Offline brooze72

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Mick, I just had a feeling you & GZ would hit it off!  Glad he finally made it to you, enjoy it, he certainly does (according to all the pics I've seen). :)
2011, 2012 & 2013 Godzilla Relay Rally Rider
"Hold on loosely...don't let go
 If you cling too're gonna lose control"
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Offline Stev-o

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He likes Wild Turkey?
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Yeah but Makers Mark is his very favorite Kentucky Bourbon. He told he he prefers Makers 46 to Turkey 101.
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

Offline Sam Green Racing

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I'm not to sure about the beatles video, I kept expecting the lizard to make an apearance ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hurry up and get him posted. 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Sam. ;)
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Offline mick7504

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Well, we had a long day at work today, so we decided to go and have a quite beer down in the bike department.
That sparked GZ right up and he was all over the place checking things out.
He even found bits and pieces that I'd forgotten all about.

Then he sniffed out the old chopper that was archived years ago.  ;D

He definately likes to get his photo taken.

Then he found some shiny stuff.

He wanted to know what that "Red Thing" was, so we got the old K1 out and gave it a quick wash.

And this is what it's all about.  8)

If I was you
I'd be worried about me.

Offline petercb750

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Awesome Mick 8)
Looks like the little fella had a lot of fun ;D
1972 750/4 K2 (his), 1976 400/4 (hers)
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Offline Frostyboy

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Looks like a terrific shed you have there Mick. I reckon a few beers & many stories been told there. Good that GZ1 got to visit. He is good company & great fun to read the log book in such surrounds. Enjoy  ;)
Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators.
We haven't met yet.

Offline mick7504

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Well we put in a big day today.
Early start and we give it what for all day.

GZ likes that Chinese tucker.
He woofed into a big feed  of rice and pork.
A coupla beers and a Wild Turkey and he's done for the day.

We've got a long weekend this weekend for Big Lizzies Birthday (Queen Eliz)
So on Tuesday, our little buddy wiil be on his way to Sam in the UK.

Strange how there's some attraction to this little bastard.
It's because we've all had an affiliation with him at some point in time I think is fair to say.

So anyway guys, this Lizard is "Rockin all over the World" Thanks JF.  8)

Rockin' All Over the World - John Fogerty (Creedence Clearwater Revival)

Not a SOHC but a reprensentation.  8)

If I was you
I'd be worried about me.

Offline Stev-o

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Nice looking "red thing" ya got there, Mick!
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline petercb750

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too many cams...... :P ::)
1972 750/4 K2 (his), 1976 400/4 (hers)
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Offline mick7504

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Now that time is fast approaching for Godzilla to journey onto the next leg, we thought that it would be a good idea to drop in and say G'day to some of his relations who live here in Darwin.

Not far from home, a friend has a stonemasons business, and with stones and rocks and things, there is also some prehistoric creatures living there.
Well, the little fella had a great time meeting them all.

This is Big Kev who impressed GZ.

He was all over the place and met a dragon, found some rocks and a watering hole.

Tuesday morning, GZ will be leaving Oz after making a lot of new friends here and travelling around our Great Garden Down Under.

A million thanks to everyone who has participated and worked together to make our leg a bloody successful one.  8)  8)  8)   8)  8)  8)  8)   8)  8)   8)  8)  8)

« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 01:25:13 AM by mick7504 »
If I was you
I'd be worried about me.

Offline petercb750

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Now THAT is simply awesome.....well done Mick... 8) 8)
1972 750/4 K2 (his), 1976 400/4 (hers)
1982 CB1100RC (ours)

Offline dave500

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yeah he met his match with those monsters!!

Offline MoMo

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That is one impressive garden, Mick.  Did your friend sculpt the monsters? ....Larry

Offline Stev-o

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very cool!

Where is zilla headed?
'74 "Big Bang" Honda 750K [836].....'76 Honda 550F.....K3 Park Racer!......and a Bomber! plus plus.........

Offline mick7504

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That is one impressive garden, Mick.  Did your friend sculpt the monsters? ....Larry
G'day Larry

The monsters were imported in from somewhere in Asia.
Big Kev the Dinosoar came from the Philipines and was a 1/4 million dollar investment.
Tom sells a lot of animal statues for peoples gardens.
Anything from elephants, to big green frogs and little crab creatures.

He's got the place set up quite well with a cafe and garden displays and a lot of his stonework on show and also what he calls The Sticky Beak Shop with all sorts of different things in there.
He also sells garden rocks and pavers and just about anything to transform the backyard.
Here is a link to his site.

very cool!

Where is zilla headed?
G'day Steve
GZ is headed for the UK to meet Sam.
I think that he'll be back on home soil in the US after that.
If I was you
I'd be worried about me.

Offline mick7504

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If I was you
I'd be worried about me.