Ok so I did a few things, the biggest being blowing out all the passages (especially the idle circuit) like everyone suggested. My method of choice is pictured here:

The red is the straw from regular spray carb cleaner, the pink is a bit of adhesive heat shrink tubing, then that is stuck into a clear piece of tube which in turn overlaps one of the idle jets.
I just screwed it into each spot and it actually sealed quite well. After a bit of spraying, it appears there is no blockages.
The other thing I did was a twist on the method I found here of checking the float height via the drain holes. In the factory drain plug holes i installed brass hose barbs, and mounted clear tubing in such a way that it could be semi-permanent. The main reason is i was missing drain plugs and had a hodge-podge of bolts and screws plugging the bowls, which could not be easily removed for the purposes of draining the bowls.

I went through it a bunch of times in my head and I can't see why this won't work. Everything is fuel-tight and the tubes are vented to equalize pressure, but angled such that they shouldnt be prone to rain... worse comes to worse, I can remove the tube and put a plug on the end of the barbs.
I'll report back with results as soon as possible