try this trick..get some fine valve lapping compound and lapp the valves to the seats. has worked good for me on many 3000 psi hydraulic flared connections. of course do it removed from the carb. but i dont have to tell you that.
I actually did this already, except I used toothpast instead of lapping compound, which ought to have the same effect on the soft brass seat. The weirdest thing is that when I had the carbs off, I was able to set them upright on my carb stand

hooked up to the tank, plugged one of the outlets on the petcock, so that gas was only going to 2 of the carbs, then plugged the fuel inlet of one of those 2, so that now gas was only getting to 1 carb. This way I could isolate 1 carb at a time. Then, with the bowl removed, I pushed up on the float lightly while gas was flowing, just to be sure that the valve was even capable of sealing at all... and it did seal! So I thought problem solved, but as soon as I put the bowl back on and tried it, leaks again!
My only theory now is that the tiny little tab on the float which stops it from falling too far
(this little guy):

is getting caught on the post... maybe I can put something rubber over it so it doesnt want to stick on the post.