My flat of broccholi is planted from seed this week. Might be a bit late, last years seeds, we'll see how it comes. No doubt there is a cold bomb on the way. It has to go somewhere. Central US can get it, if it's cold enough and then rains, inch thick or more ice brings down branches, whole trees, etc. I saw a blue spruce tree smash two new dealer tagged cars all the way to the ground. One ice storm slightly west of here sold out every generator in the state. Barbed wire fences had ice accumulated to the diameter of coke cans.
Weeds in the lawn are doing fine, mild winter, brown grass, scraped them off and dug them up yesterday. I have one fennel plant that survived drought and the hottest summer on record and it looks great right now in the middle of winter.
Who knows if climate change is or is not real or caused by US and the rest of the fossile fuel world, but the genetic bottlenecks created by bioengineering and monoculture teeaking is probably going to have trouble keeping up with mother nature, but I figure keep after growing things that I can realisticly grow, always being an optomist instead of a doomster.