If that's the bike you always wanted, I would buy it in a heartbeat. Consider the price of all new "classics", say a triumph, at 10k. Consider a $2500 cb400, that you then put 2 k into over the next few years. Way easier then you think.
Think about the value of the bike in general compared to other items in our life. An iPhone retail with case $900, a macbook, $2k. A snow blower $1500.00. A high-end DSLR camera 2k... an so on. All items that are useless after a few years. You ain't handing down a smart phone to your kids.

And they don't make these bikes anymore!
I read an interesting column recently by a writer who loves motorcycling his entire life... he says young men now-a-days stand in a line 4 blocks long to buy an iPad, instead of a a hip motorcycle that they could use to tour the country for dirt cheap, relative to other pursuits. I'm sure i'm butchering it, but wow, it really rung true.