Thanks Guys, it used to be that I could tell when I'd pushed to hard and was in the process of the event and every part of the process I could tell where I was, things would slow down I could say Oh #$%* this is going to hurt, now next time if I just did that, ok I've got to be at 45 degrees and maybe 5 feet hmm how do I check that, now the events over and I'm lying there and saying what the hell happened and as far as being tough not any more I think I've been boiled too long, any way I'm starting to master the walker and I'm home and you know I could see where you could fit a 50cc honda engine in it with 4 speeds and have a quick walker only you'd have to find a new name for it, there would be a generation of Baby Boomers that would pay for that.
Bill the demon.