As I said, politics....
"Politics" infers that bargaining will induce some sort of progress. Unfortunately, the laws of physics remain the same no matter what a political or popular body mandates. You can't vote for changing the speed of light and make it come true. It's a physical constant. Live with it!
Same is true for the way carbs work, on physical principles that were carefully balanced/adjusted to the stock air box characteristics; i.e.
The main jet, the throttle valve, the main air jet, the emulsion tube holes, the slide cutaway, the venturi shape, and the pilot circuit parameters were all balanced to the pressures existent with the stock air box over street operating conditions where all throttle positions are useful (as opposed to the race track where only one or two throttle positions are useful).
Is it folly, arrogance, or ignorance, that makes style mavens believe a cosmetic change cannot effect the physical balance of a well engineered machine?
I'm of the belief that the stock air box is sleek and beautiful for what it represents, and PODs are rather ugly things that make the bike look like a cheap afterthought or a freak of nature. (See pic of "attractive" external filters below.)
Does installing big boobs, big lips, and big hair on a woman really make a better woman throughout her lifetime? I suppose if "superficial" is the goal, then the answer is, yes. But, if you install big boobs on an ballet dancer, Olympic gymnast, or figure skater, her previous career is finished.
There are times when enough engine modifications may demand alterations to induction that the stock setup can't enable. But then, that's not the stock bike, is it?