Not all idiots are scumbags. Took the missis' VTR250 out for an icecream once (for me, not the bike), and while I was sitting in the store a fellow comes in and walk up to me (the only person in the place with bike gear and a helmet), and asks if I own the bike outside.
Turns out he "didn't see it" when he was backing in to a parking spot and pushed it over. So we went outside and it turns out he has cracked a fairing panel, pretzelled the clutch lever, smashed a turn signal, scuffed a mirror and scuffed the front fender. He was very apologetic and wanted to put it right without going through insurance. That was helpful because the bike wasn't actually legally supposed to be on the road at the time, hem, hem.
$600+ later the bike was looking better than new, with not a complaint from the miscreant. So there are some good and honest people in the world.