My motor sat dry for 37 years after a fresh build. I was absolutely amazed when I pulled it out after all that time to find the cylinder bores not rusted to heck, but looking as though it was honed yesterday with fresh crosshatch clearly visible. I was glad to find before I fired it that unlike the cylinders walls, the insides of the aluminum cases were not as pristine and were in fact completely corroded and oxidized. I was able to vapor blast the whole inside of the motor with out fear of any residual damage done from a normal dry blast procedure which would embed particles in the surface that normal washing may not remove and will free themselves when the motor gets hot. You can vapor blast valve guides and bearing surfaces without damage or material being removed. It was the perfect solution for my issue.
Plus it gave me the added benefit of the exterior finish I wanted because as much as I like a freshly blasted aluminum surface, it is nearly impossible to keep it looking that nice. If you drop a quarter inch drop of oil on blasted aluminum and come back in an hour that 1/4" drop has spread to 3". Vapor blasted surface is seal and Sharpie pen will wash off with alcohol.