Author Topic: Call to riders... 2012 Relay Rally Official Rider List  (Read 3749 times)

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Offline madmtnmotors

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Call to riders... 2012 Relay Rally Official Rider List
« on: January 31, 2012, 06:41:14 PM »
    The following list of riders have pledged their interest in participating in the SECOND ANNUAL SOHC4 Relay Rally. Riders can continue to sign up in the Rider sign-up list thread:

    I will check it often, but, to insure your inclusion on the list here, I would encourage interested riders to send me either a PM or an e-mail to help guarantee your spot on the list. Once the regional coordinators have been confirmed (I will start a new thread listing regional coordinators for 2012) please be sure to contact the Regional Coordinator for your area.

    If I have inadvertenly overlooked someone please feel free to send me a PM to set me straight!  ;)

135. Who's next?

134. Kickstart in Philadelphia, Pensylvania TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
133. Crush in Boston, Massachusetts TEAM NEW ENGLAND
132. Lights Out (Don) in Vancouver, British Columbia TEAM PACIFIC NORTHWEST
131. grasscutter in Omaha, Nebraska TEAM CENTRAL ROCKIES
130. Rocker in Atlanta, Georgia TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
129. gschuld in Toms River, New Jersey TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
128. Tripps in Western New York, TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
127. Lehi in Salt Lake City, Utah TEAM CENTRAL ROCKIES
126. wardenerd in eastern North Carolina TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
125. Hope in Baton Rouge, Louisiana TEAM SOUTH
124. c(b)hris in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
123. Magnaman near Lexington, Kentucky TEAM SOUTH
122. cb550fcafe (Kevin) in Colchester, Connecticut TEAM NEW ENGLAND
121. RFogelsong in Cincinnati Ohio TEAM CENTRAL
120. GJ Steve in Grand Junction, Colorado TEAM CENTRAL ROCKIES
119. 73nancy in Maine TEAM NEW ENGLAND
118. RSchaefer in Tempe, Arizona TEAM WEST
117. GreenHornet74 in Los Angeles, California TEAM WEST
116. flateric in Seattle, Washington TEAM PACIFIC NORTHWEST
115. westondc in Lincoln, Nebraska AND Team Northern Regional Co-Coordinator!
114. gregimotis in Santa Fe, New Mexico TEAM WEST
113. MasterChief750 in Toledo, Ohio TEAM CENTRAL AND Team Central Regional Co-Coordinator!
112. magnum56 (Mark) in Detroit, Michigan  TEAM MICHIGAN
111. scondon in Oakland, California  TEAM WEST
110. kcbarsos in San Jose, California TEAM WEST
109. thrutheframe (Scott) in Cincinnati, Ohio TEAM CENTRAL
108. Proto (David) in NW Colorado AND SW New Mexico TEAM WEST AND TEAM CENTRAL ROCKIES
107. John D in Cleveland, Ohio TEAM CENTRAL
106. heffay in Arizona TEAM WEST
105. shenanigans in Arizona TEAM WEST AND Back in the saddle!
104. Pinhead in Central Kansas TEAM CENTRAL ROCKIES
103. Bike_Crazy (Anthony) in Ontario, Canada TEAM EASTERN CANADA
102. luap in Scottsdale, Arizona TEAM WEST
101. sscardefield in Scottsdale, Arizona TEAM WEST
100. bjatwood in Blair Nebraska TEAM NORTHERN
99. angeldeville in Albuquerque, New Mexico TEAM WEST AND Our first New Mexico rider!
98. Artsqu in Detroit, Michigan TEAM MICHIGAN
97. FrankenCake aka Cupcake aka Scott in Southern Vermont TEAM NEW ENGLAND
96. YoungRider71 in New York TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
95. magconpres in Portland, Oregon TEAM PACIFIC NORTHWEST
94. davis96 in Oxford, Mississippi TEAM SOUTH
93. Jerry Rxman Griffin in Colorado Springs, Colorado TEAM CENTRAL ROCKIES AND Lifetime Honorary Grand Marshall!
92. Finley in Prescott, Arizona TEAM WEST
91. Pat_at_APE (yes, THAT APE!) in Rosamond, California TEAM WEST AND Forum Sponsor!
90. Rat Racer in Marquette, Michigan TEAM MICHIGAN
89. coke in Fort Smith, Arkansas TEAM SOUTH
88. Jtb in Birmingham, Alabama TEAM SOUTH AND Team South Regional Coordinator!
87. mycb750k6 in San Juan Capistrano, California TEAM WEST
86. domer in Daly City, California TEAM WEST
85. dragon79 in Western Massachusetts TEAM NEW ENGLAND
84. Leanier in Madison, Wisconson TEAM NORTHERN
83. the architect (Chris) in Houston, Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST
82. j4hfr34k (spike) in Southwest Mississippi TEAM SOUTH
81. grachman (Glenn) in Long Beach, California TEAM WEST
80. Accolay in Mineapolis, Minnesota TEAM NORTHERN
79. Pecantree in Central Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST
78. Andy750 in Boston, Massachusetts TEAM NEW ENGLAND
77. DJ_AX in Westland, Michigan TEAM MICHIGAN
76. zeek in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma TEAM SOUTHWEST
75. Nortstudio in Brooklyn, New York TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
74. Gnik Nus in Houston, Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST
73. Old Scrambler (Dennis) in Wisconson TEAM NORTHERN
72. Markcb750 (Mark) in Charlotte, North Carolina TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
71. RFogelsong (Rob) in Cincinnati, Ohio TEAM CENTRAL
70. Greggo in San Francisco, Caifornia TEAM WEST
69. taxiscooter in Tulsa, Oklahoma TEAM SOUTHWEST
68. Clutch Cargo in Western Pennsylvania TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
67. poboy in Huntsville, Alabama TEAM SOUTH
66. ZanVooden (Dave) in Madison Wisconsin TEAM NORTHERN
65. jkidd01 in Grandville, Michigan TEAM MICHIGAN
64. Really? (TipperT, Rick?) in Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST
63. Lavis500 in Central Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST
62. kpier883 (Kirk) in Birmingham, Alabama TEAM SOUTH
61. CBGhia (Joe) in Ft Worth Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST
60. Operator in Oromocto, New Brunswick TEAM EASTERN CANADA
59. Bankerdanny in Chicago, Illinois TEAM CENTRAL
58. xluckx in Santa Cruz, California TEAM WEST
57. srust58 in Minneapolis,  Minnesota TEAM NORTHERN
56. orange550 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada TEAM EASTERN CANADA
55. 736cc in Long Island, New York TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
54. TruTred in Beaver, Pennsylvania TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
53. dave the welder in Chesterfield, Michigan TEAM MICHIGAN
52. knox-cb in Knoxville, Tennessee TEAM SOUTH
51. Elniniomuchachos in Pheonix, Arizona TEAM WEST
50. 754 in Kelowna, British Columbia TEAM PACIFIC NORTWEST
49. bender01 in Coastal South Carolina TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
48. Tugboat in Nashville, Tennessee TEAM SOUTH
47. Blueridgerunner in Southwest Virginia TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
46. nccb in Raleigh, North Carolina TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
45. bowswell in Montreal, Canada TEAM EASTERN CANADA
44. JustinLonghorn in Frederick, Maryland TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
43. Art0rm in Raleigh, North Carolina TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
42. tlbranth in Seattle, Washington TEAM PACIFIC NORTWEST
41. db22 in Western Wisconson TEAM NORTHERN
40. Shane72 in Cedar Rapids, Iowa TEAM NORTHERN
39. jcarthel in Littlefield, Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST
38. Bluto (Bill) in North Georgia TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL AND Team Southeast Coastal Spring Coordinator!
37. OldSchool_IsCool in Kalamazoo, Michigan TEAM MICHIGAN AND Team Michigan Regional Coordinator AND Partial Team Northern/Team Central Regional Co-Coordinator!
36. locomonza in New Jersey TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
35. mrbreeze in Modesto, California TEAM WEST
34. bluezboy in Stone Mountain, Georgia TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
33. BAchvytrk in Eden, New York TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
32. weedoo2 in Terre Haute,  Indiana TEAM CENTRAL
31. Grabcon in Castle Rock, Colorado TEAM CENTRAL ROCKIES
30. larecords in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada TEAM EASTERN CANADA
29. anders288 in New Hampshire TEAM NEW ENGLAND
28. geminimotors in Oakland, California TEAM WEST AND LEAD-OFF RIDER!
27. chewbacca5000 in Syracuse, New York TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
26. Gordon in Allen, Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST
25. kerryb in Buffalo, New York TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
24. K5owner in Lawton, Michigan TEAM MICHIGAN
23. grumpy in San Fransico, California TEAM WEST
22. CoachDoc in San Diego, California TEAM WEST
21. Doggie in Long Island, New York TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
20. Mooshie in Santa Barbara, California TEAM WEST
19. Tews19 in Waukesha/Madison, Wisconson TEAM NORTHERN
18. fatmatt60 in Pacifica, California TEAM WEST
17. MoMo aka photolar in West Grove, Pennsylvania TEAM MID-ATLANTIC
16. Stev-o in Central Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST AND Team Southwest Regional Coordinator!
15. apex_seeking in Denver, Colorado TEAM CENTRAL ROCKIES
14. ofreen in Idaho TEAM PACIFIC NORTWEST
13. CoyoteUSP in Dallas, Texas TEAM SOUTHWEST
12. Trav-i in Notheast Georgia TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
11. mjstone in Davison, Michigan TEAM MICHIGAN
10. madmtnmotors in Saint Cloud, Florida TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
9. 70CB750 in Nokesville, Virginia TEAM SOUTHEAST COASTAL
8. scunny in New Zealand TEAM NEW ZEALAND
7. Jerry Rxman Griffin (THE MAN!) in Colorado Springs, Colorado TEAM CENTRAL ROCKIES
6. Brooze72 covering Pickering and Toronto, Canada TEAM EASTERN CANADA
5. Gruffles in Nashville, Tennessee TEAM SOUTH
4. seanbarney41 in Kalamazoo, Michigan TEAM MICHIGAN
3. mickey6 in Roseburg, Oregon TEAM PACIFIC NORTWESTAND Team Pacific Northwest Regional Coordinator!
2. Spanner 1 in Nashville, Tennessee TEAM SOUTH
1. scottly in Homebuilt (Humboldt?)Arizona TEAM WEST AND Team West Regional Coordinator!
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 07:09:12 AM by madmtnmotors »


"P.O. Debacle":,126692.msg1441661.html#msg1441661
F2/F3 O-rings:
Cam Tower Studs:
Clean up that nasty harness:,148188.msg1688494.html#msg1688494,139544.msg1579364.html#msg1579364
Charging system diagnosis:
Get the manuals:
The Dragon:
Headlight Switch:
Branden's leak free top end thread:
Engine Lifting Made Easy:,58210.msg1684742.html#msg1684742
Static and Dynamic Timing:
Airbox Gasket Replacement:,114485.msg1290000.html#msg1290000
"Café" :,84697.msg953814.html#msg953814
PD Carb Choke Linkage:,100352.msg1669248.html#msg1669248
Follow up on your damn posts:,144305.msg1791605.html#msg1791605
Taiwanese Cam Chain Tensioners:,155043.msg1774841.html#msg1774841
Gumtwo Seat Cover:,164440.msg1897366.html#msg1897366
Primary Drive:,166063.msg1919278.html#msg1919278
Tank Latch:,165975.msg1919495.html#msg1919495
Shorten your forks: DO NOT CUT THE SPRINGS!
Clutch How To:
Late model K7/K8/F2/F3 front sprocket cover removal:,178428.msg2072279.html#msg2072279
630 to 530 conversion:,180710.msg2094423.html#msg2094423

Sent from my Tandy TRS-80!

Offline madmtnmotors

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Re: Call to riders... 2012 Relay Rally Official Rider List
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2012, 04:48:50 PM »


"P.O. Debacle":,126692.msg1441661.html#msg1441661
F2/F3 O-rings:
Cam Tower Studs:
Clean up that nasty harness:,148188.msg1688494.html#msg1688494,139544.msg1579364.html#msg1579364
Charging system diagnosis:
Get the manuals:
The Dragon:
Headlight Switch:
Branden's leak free top end thread:
Engine Lifting Made Easy:,58210.msg1684742.html#msg1684742
Static and Dynamic Timing:
Airbox Gasket Replacement:,114485.msg1290000.html#msg1290000
"Café" :,84697.msg953814.html#msg953814
PD Carb Choke Linkage:,100352.msg1669248.html#msg1669248
Follow up on your damn posts:,144305.msg1791605.html#msg1791605
Taiwanese Cam Chain Tensioners:,155043.msg1774841.html#msg1774841
Gumtwo Seat Cover:,164440.msg1897366.html#msg1897366
Primary Drive:,166063.msg1919278.html#msg1919278
Tank Latch:,165975.msg1919495.html#msg1919495
Shorten your forks: DO NOT CUT THE SPRINGS!
Clutch How To:
Late model K7/K8/F2/F3 front sprocket cover removal:,178428.msg2072279.html#msg2072279
630 to 530 conversion:,180710.msg2094423.html#msg2094423

Sent from my Tandy TRS-80!