Hey All,
Going to jam out to some music and my amp flicked on then off right away.
These 2200's are known for cold solder joints on the relays. Never had a problem till a few years ago with the channels cutting out.
So I open it up all fuses look good and trace no power coming out of my voltage selector.
I got on the phone with NAD North America and asked about the part I need. Well since I bought it in England it has a dual voltage capability. He didn;t show a part # because that was for the European market. I popped the top off the switch. See the burnt contacts. make 2 jumper wires and fixed the cold solder joints on the relay. I'm so happy I got it fixed. A little help from the boss doesn't help.
See this sewing machine repair has come in handy. LOL
Prob cost me a few hundred dollars at a shop if they would even touch it.
I hope you don't tell me to turn it down cause I'm a Jamming.

Not bad since I got in 1989.
Anyone have one they would like to sell. I would love to mono block them.
NAD PE2200 power amp.