its been a hard week one of those pics above looks like my Lucky boy. I'll post pics of him late. Im at the shop and dont want to cry again.
well Lucky here we are. You left the world on Monday and its not till now that I can write about you. You where my best friend ever. I never loved a dog like I loved you. Best friend ever. I wasn't ever your master or your owner just your best friend. You are the one who I rolled over and hugged and cried on when each of my grandfathers passed on. I recall when we spent that month in bed after my tonsillectomy getting #$%*ed up and enjoying not doing anything for a change. It took about a year from when I moved into your house for you to start sleeping in my bed, because you are one loyal mother#$%*er. the years we had upstairs in my room on the bed will stick with me forever. your alert situp and tail thump when you heard me coming up the stairs, your doggy smile, Lucky the leaping licker. So stoked when I say "you wanna go for a walk you wanna go outside?!" you would tell all the other dogs. then we would just go, you and me cause you didn't need a dog leash or a coller to go for a walk. You where so good, you are the bar I will measure every other dog I cross paths with in life for the rest of my life. Closer to human than most humans. We watched your masters health give and eventually he made the jump to hyperspace, I know you guys are together. I miss his wise impartial advice about lifes tactical choices. I miss your licks and love. I put you to rest next to the kumquat at the back corner of the garden on Tuesday. The flagstones over you will stay "best friend ever" cause what the #$%* else could it say buddy... you where the #$%*. well behaved educated smart and super funny. I remember sometimes you would sit up and bark at people walking by down there outside for no apparent reason but I knew it was to get me to laugh and roll over and rub your belly. You cuddled Mom like a pro when she came up to visit and I was super busy with work. towards the end when you didn't feel like going down stairs I would feed you and water you and brush your teeth in bed you loved that I could tell, I loved doing it for you, you earned it. on our last visit I could totally tell you had, had enough, you couldn't swim or jump or play. You hung around making sure your owner was going to be ok after your master left us. No other creature will be as cool as you. and yes Lucky, We all knew what you are saying when you took your own coller off last weekend. You where the first dog I felt a real soul deep partnership with. Our era is over for now.All I can do is try to live a good life and do as much good to others as I can in the time I got with the hope that someday when my turn comes you'll be there waiting like in that 'the rainbow bridge' poem. say hi give everyone lots of lovelicks. Best buddy ever. I'll miss you, see you on the other side, my best friend.