i had another cat years ago that we got at the same time i broke my shoulder ( stupid pushbikes) so i got to spend a couple of months bonding with him and i eventually trained him to fetch toys, he wouldn't do it for anyone else either
and he was addicted to corn chips, wouldn't even look up for potato chips but he'd have your fingers off for a corn chip
in his later years he got really sick ( weird fungal brain infection), he had to be syringe fed for 6 months. when he was starting to get better but still wouldn't eat we were trying to tempt him with all his fave stuff and one day he finally took a tiny piece of corn chip, i rang the missus at work to let her know,she'd been taking him in with her for a while so they all knew him and wanted to know how he was getting on all the time and she yelled out across the office that tosh had eaten a corn chip, the whole place broke out in cheers
he lived a good few more years but he was never quite the same little feller, kinda quiet and reserved