Oh damn I completely forgot about this thread. Most of the stuff I've done has been posted in the "what did you do to your bike today" thread, or various "help me I'm retarded" threads.
Off the top of my head, I can think of a few things I did:
1. New tires. Bridgestone Spitfire S11s, 110 front 120 rear (way too wide on both counts).
2. Aftermarket fork ears.
3. Tarozzi rearsets.
4. Broke my battery side cover, still too lazy to fix it.
5. Stopped a lot of leaks. Currently leaking from oil passage plugs/cap.
6. Lots of exhaust/carb/intake changes.
6a. Currently a carbon weave Two Brothers exhaust (salvaged from a wrecked CBR1000).
6b. Currently velocity stacks from Steel Dragon.
6c. Improperly jetted carbs (can be seen in the video).
7. Still haven't done any more painting. Still have the dent in my tank.
8. Replaced the valve guide seals.
8a. While I had the head off, stupid me, I didn't remove any carbon, lap or grind the valves, etc. Basically I put it back together with all the crap still on it.
8b. Still leaking oil past the valve guides and burning lots of oil.
9. Cracked the oil pump cover plate with a gasket that was too fat. Replaced it with one that didn't feel like it spun as freely.
10. Jumped it 3' off a retaining wall (accidentally, of course). Didn't go down but likely bent or taco'd the rim slightly.
11. Cafe seat mounted sloppily with the stock seat hinge.
12. Still needs springs and shocks.
Today I finished installing a Vapor digital tach/speedo dash.
Dyno'd my bike for fun. Points are shot and that's what gave a majority of the stumbling.
[Motovid] CB550 Dyno PullsHere's what it looks like as of now (sans the gauges).
Still LOTS of work to do:
1. Complete engine rebuild and paint with several options:
a. Stock bore, clean everything up, maybe mild porting.
b. Ebay big bore kit, mild porting, mild cam.
c. Reliable big bore kit (Dynoman's 592cc), hot street cam, porting, valve springs, studs, etc.
2. Relocate the electrics, have an empty "triangle."
3. Better seat.
4. Rebuild/replace wheels.
5. Strip frame down, PC everything, assemble with shiny new hardware.
6. New tank, or fix tank and put some knee dents in.
7. MotoGP Werks Yoshimura replica exhaust.