Heh..glad I saw this post, just put one on my bike but haven't run it yet. Came with a basket case bike I bought along with a lot of other chrome pieces, only a few of which are still usable. Air filter looks OK tho, so I put it on, stacks were old and crackly so I have to repair at least one crack with some RTV but I'll let ya know how(if) it works. Fortunately, I have one of Tintop's custom air filters on the way if this one doesn't perform, meantime, I can clean up my stock box in case I decide to use it again. Hmm...if stack length was a problem with the originals, wonder if Tintops stacks can be adapted to work with it? maybe a wider perfed band? couldn't be too hard to make that..and painting the perfed part another color could add to the cool factor..