Pull all the wires back out. Then string them out straight and make sure they are laying all parallell to each other. Get as much tape off of them as you can first and then only hold the bundle together with two or three wraps of tape spaced every six or eight inches. Then squirt some liquid dish washing soap on the wires, and attach your pull wire with electrical tape but use as little as possible, substituting a hook bent into the wire for additional tape. Now, get someone to hold the bars for your or put them in a vice and start pulling. Pull hard and do not quit until the wires emerge from the center hole and if you can't pull hard enough put a come-along on the pull-wire. And while you're doing all of this keep one thing in mind all the time; if you take it to the dealer to pull the wires for you because you couldn't virtually all your friends and your old lady will think you're a wimp. This will cause your friends to abandon you and perfect strangers to laugh at you in parking lots; needless to say your old lady will leave you and hook up with a Republican, a hard-headed breed well known for their own sets of loose wires.