I'm modding a set of old "mermite" can's( aluminum army coolers,) into pannier's for my bike. Going to be needing to haul my tools and books around, that I can lock and are secure.
Currently, they are ugly, and I mean hidiously ugly. Big chips and scratches down to the bare metal, army green, with tan primer showing though. I'm usualy Ok with ugly, but I would like my bike to be atleast halfway nice.
I'm thinking that if I painted them with the same red metalflake and gold pinstripeing(mabey) my bike has, they would look real good.
Can you get color matched red metalflake, in a spraycan? If you can, is it any good? I'd rather not clearcoat, if there's a paint that will look good without it.
I can post Pic's if anyone wants.