Hi all,
I'm about to begin a compete strip and rebuild of my '77 CB550. It will be mildly customised aesthetically and mechanically to improve all aspects of the bike.
I have been trawling the forums for months now picking up useful information but was hoping to try and get some answers to a few questions based on tried and tested methods in terms of generally improving the way this bike performs. I might add that she already runs electronic ignition timing, I have a cb650 camshaft ready to go based on that proven mod, I will be porting the head and replacing all engine parts that are worn, making an entirely new wiring loom and fitting tapered headstock roller bearings. The aim of this bike is to look good, carry two often and perform well on a daily basis. Budget for the build is flexible within reason, I'm not looking for titanium racing valves or anything like that.
The questions I have are as follows, any help or real-world advice on any area would be hugely appreciated. (please bear in mind I'm based in the UK so some suppliers may not be usable)
What other reasonable engine upgrades would you recommend? i.e. valves, springs, chains, sprockets
Clutch plates will be replaced, can anyone suggest my best option for performace and reliability?
What electrical components would you replace and with what? i.e. regulator/rectifier, coils etc
Does anyone know of an alternative battery that will perform better than stock, preferably sealed?
Was considering Hagon rear shocks, can anyone reccommend a specific variation or another make altogether?
Will be rebuilding front forks, any advice on uprating the internals?
Finally any other solid upgrades on a '77 CB550 to make it an even better bike?
If I think of anything else I'll post 'em up.
Thanks in advance.