alright, well, looks like I've got my first big issue. As I was taking the last few bits off the case so I could get it cleaned and repainted, underneath years of caked on oil and dirt, I noticed I have a good size crack in the case here.
I've seen a lot of people have had good luck with jb weld and alumiweld, but I'm worried about this one as it's right where the 2 cases join. There's actually two cracks. One is on the post for the case bolt, the other, and bigger one is in the back.
Originally I didn't plan on splitting the cases, but it's looking like that might not be avoidable now as I don't want to weld the cases together

Anyone have any good ideas? Or is this something I'm going to have to strip down and take in to get properly welded and fixed?
Thanks in advance for any help and advice...

sad day