So I recently just got a new to me non-running 1976 CB750 F. The bike is complete, stock but is mildly apart (harness is still on the bike but uncut, oil tank empty and brakes empty. Engine will turn over by the kickstarter but when I attempted a compression test, #1 topped out at 30 psi and fell, #4 maxed at 90 psi and held. This isn't my first vintage bike but it is the first one I got that I have convertible skills and a will to dig into. (Have experience with top end rebuilds on various marine diesels.)
For now, this bike is just to be a running daily driver. So reliability and runability are important. Having said that, I can probably figure out how to adjust the values and figure out if it's the rings or valves to blame for low compression. What my question is... is at what point should I consider rebuilding the top end? More specifically, I have a local pro-wrench who's willing to trade me a 77F motor with a good top end for some extra good used K pipes that came loose with the bike. I've been told that the pipes I have are probably worth something despite not being perfect. He also has other things to trade but a healthy motor is all this bike really needs (if at all) as well as maybe a new chain. The only real issue with the motor he has is that the block is cracked where one of the long bolts mount the engine to the bike. He says I can still strip my top end and bolt his on and I should be out of the words. While I like the concept of a trade, I'm a little leery of doing a top end rebuild with used parts even if they all check out.
Any thoughts on this deal? Anybody local to LA who has a good running F motor that might need some pipes or some other extra stuff I have. Thanks in advance everybody.
The bike came with an extra set of OEM K pipes which I might sell or trade.