My wife has recently become a little envious now that the weather is nice and I am out riding without her. She is kind of on the fence when it comes to motorcycling. She thinks that they are dangerous because “cagers” can turn them and their riders into bits and pieces in a hurry. However, she enjoys the thrills that motorcycling offers.
My wife just sent me an email. The title of her email was "If you can’t beat them, join them…" She signed herself up for a motorcycle safety course. It is the Pennsylvania Motorcycle Safety Program. I took the PAMSF beginner and advanced course years ago, it is a great program for beginners and she will no doubt enjoy it.
We are now in the market for a “powder blue” CB 450. She is such a girl.
Anyone know the wet weight of a 450? My wife is 5'5" about 120 lbs. However, she is an ex -college gymnast and a current tri-athlete so she is freakishly strong.