Already did a search about paint, but nothing really addressed my question.
I am going to be needing two tanks painted and while I am doing one in "Parakeet Yellow" which is a solid color and should be easy to match, or at least get close, i am considering painting my other tank Candy Blue Green like the first-year 750s. Even though it's not right for my model, it's probably my favorite factory color.
Does anyone know a place out there that can match original factory colors perfectly and make it look right? I know the "Candy' colors are unique, but there has to be someone out there that can match more than Candy Gold or Flake Orange Sunrise....
House of Kolor and Color Rite and Lubritech were brought up, but do they carry the paint so that I can just order what I need or would it need to be a custom blend, requiring exact knowledge of paint mixing?