Have a look at the Gerex wiring to the coils, this is a multifire CDI ignition I think and probably has its own wires to both sides of the coil. Since the kill switch shuts off the original (black) power wire to the coils, if you aren't using that wire then there's naturally no killing. You could wire the Gerex DC power feed from the black power wire for the coils. That would preserve the killswitch. Where did you pick up power for the ignition, the brake light switch (pretty common spot)?
Thank you for that thought, Bodi. I originally grabbed power from under the left sidecover and disocvered via a dead battery 3 days later that I had bypassed ignition switch
so I used the suggestion of the dyna III installation instructions and spliced it into the power wire going into the coils. There is a black&white wire going into each coil . There is also a green and a purple wire coming from the gerex one of which goes to each coil as well.
I am a little confused by this black power wire thing... isn't black supposed to be ground/negative?
so are the green and purple wires power and the black ground?..
so here's a description of all the wires going into/out of the gerex and magnetic timing piece .
Gerex...four wires coming from magnetic timing sensor (Yellow, Orange, Brown, Green)
Black wire to Grounding bolt on engine case.
Purple wire to a coil
Green to other coil
Red spliced to black/white ahead of coils
The gerex's power wire (red) is tied to coil power.. which ought to be that controled by the kill switch... Would the Gerex cause higher voltage to be running through the kill switch and could that have fused a perhaps already borderline switch?
thank you,