<Really> : Oh #$%*! I forgot about the carbs and airbox. I've been focused on getting the engine fixed and back together.
<KSteve>:Clean water with a dash of soap for each grade then sand with 220, 500, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000 Then hit it with the buffing wheel and grey and green.
Followed directions from previous postings here.
One thing I learned was to lightly buff after a sanding because it would show if I'd missed some scratch's from the previous sanding.
For ex. sand 220, clean, sand with 500. Then a light buff and it would show if I still had some 220 scratches left.
It took me a while to figure this out. Several times I had to jump back several grades to clear out some deep scratches.
It also was a big help to sand in different directions with each grade change.
I could have gone further, but I had to stop
(Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good!)
<Stev-O>: Thanks for the parts! I owe you some beer. Maybe some Real Ale Russian Imperial Stout