STATUS UPDATE: I am almost there. I hacksawed the bushings, not quite going all the way through, but dangerously close. I made two cuts, about 3/8" apart from each other. I then used a 5/16" steel rod about 12" long and put it up against the lip of the bushing and started pounding. I got it to move a little ways and then used a screw driver to pry up the cut portion, it broke off about halfway down. I continued to pound away and got the one side out.
Then I went to work doing the same thing on the other bushing. I got it about halfway out and that is where it still sits. It has become very difficult to catch the rim with the steel rod now, so it is still halfway in there. I have used penetrating fluid, the torch, and a couple of beers, and it still refuses to move. I'm heading out to the garage in about 10 minutes to go at that sucker again with fierce determination this time.
I'll let you know how it goes.......