yeah it sucked
as i was leaving work this evening (yeah i know, memorial day, 13hr shift, already a bad day)
i didnt let my bike wark up and was pulling out on 3/4 choke and the engine started revving up so i reached down to push the choke in a little
and then...
as i looked back up i saw a van coming at me running the stop sign in the parking lot, so i panic stopped
one handed
and the whole thing just fell over on the right side....
picked it up and didnt see any damage (thank god for crash bars)
the brake pedal lever was completely bent up to about 2" above the foot peg making for a very uncomfortable ride home...
can i bend it back or will it just snap? i dont know if its hollow and i dont want to find out the hard way!
i COULD just radically readjust everything without bending it back but i'd rather straighten it if at all possible
What else gets bent when the bike falls on its side?
Thanks guys