Sounds like your getting close Brian.
Have you got someone there to help you out with the basics steering these things?
From what I've seen / heard / been told Bear, these things steer like 4 wheelers, not counter steer like a solo. The front trail is adjustable, so I'll play with that to get the right balance between quick turn-in, and straight line stability. I've also been told that with these 16" rigs, you have to slide them. Sounds a lot like the Cortina.
To state the obvious, all these things are different.
Having said that, most traditional chairs share the same characteristics.
Most chairs don't like a lot of trail.
Most chairs (like yours with the platform on the riders left) will overstear going around a right hand corner and under steer around a left hand corner.
Try not to carry a lot of speed into left hand corners for awhile, slow in fast out as they say.
Try about 3/4" of trail to start.
If it dosen't shake its head to badly reduce the trail till it starts shaking it's head then add a !/4".
To much trail and the bikes steering will be to heavy and it will tend to under steer badly.
You will need to get this thing over steering both ways some times this is not an easy task.
Adjust the spring rate on your rear shocks as stiff as you can.
Then, over time reduce the preload till the bike starts under steering then add a bit.
If you think you need a hand measuring you trail let me know.
If you have tried all of these things and the bike is still under steering adjust the rear wheel away from the corner a little.
As for the car thing, you will find that chairs are a hell of a lot more throttle sensitive.
Take care and let us know how it goes.
That's all my unsolicited advice for today.
