Couple pics of some of my old CB's taken in the late 70's.
Couple burnout's next to my home in Indiana.
Triumph I picked up in 79 during my stint at AMI (Daytona). Swapped a CB750, CB350, and 74 Elsinore for the Triumph and an old Pan/Shovel.
Used to trailer a bike down to the Summerland Key (parents winter home). Big upgrade from the Schwinn continental.
Summerland Key & Daytona.
67 Daytona 500 I rebuilt for my dad and one of my old CB's. Probably had 5 or 6 different ones in my younger years.
Not really SOHC but hopefully fits the 70's theme.
Still have the CT and QA. Taught my kids how to ride on them. Use the CT to get the mail now..