Hey gang, I got a way cool project in the mail this morning: produce and direct a few video items about a local dealer, who specializes in oldschool Honda bikes! Needless to say, I was running up and down the stairs in excitement.
Now instead of doing this solo and give a crack at it, I thought it might be cool to pass this by you guys. The thing I like to do is empathize the romance, the cool-factor of restoring a motorcycle. This guy has tons in his garage, so I'm thinking let him tell a thing or two about a bike. Somewhere along the lines of these two clips, same vibe.
So what would you like to know from a CB750 specialised shop? Mechanical info? Or emotional appeal? Something in between? If you have the time, I'd like to hear your thoughts and maybe work with you guys to make something you'd like to see as well!
rgdrs, Chris, Amsterdam