Correction: The price is ONLY $65,000. That's MSRP, but only 400 are being made. I guarran-damn-tee you Leno, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt and a bunch of other Hollywood types are going to snap up most of the limited production run. If you're lucky, you may get to see one putting down Rodeo Drive. What a waste.
This may shame Honda into putting that GP V-5 engine in a production bike. This is what's so freakin' cool about motorcycles -- the trickle down technology from racing happens so fast. Not that most mortals can use all this technology (and sure as hell not on the street) but it's awesome to just see this kind of wretched excess of horsepower, brakes, suspension, electronics, etc.
I know most people on this site aren't big fans of modern bikes, but I just can't help myself getting all excited here.
What does man-whoring pay these days?